Mar 07, 2006 07:30
Hey everyone, how's it going? I am doing alright for the most part. Well I got me a date for prom, and guess what? He likes me, he told me that I was hot! I told him that I appreciated that, but I couldnt date him until I got to know him a little better. Well I still like Zack alot, but here is his reason that he cant date me: 1) We have been friends for 13 years and it would be wierd, 2) He said that when Jr and I broke up he really opened his eyes up to why we couldnt date, he is afraid that he and I will stop being friends, and he dosent want that to happen at all. I tried to tell him that Jr and I arnt friends because well Scott says because Jr still has feelings for me and he knows that if he talks to me that they will just grow, and he knows how I feel about Zack. I really dont want to get into another relationship likeing Zack. Look how the other one turned out. But what can I do? Well the guy that I am going to prom with is Jermey Jenkins, he is nice, totaly opposite from me. But hey you know what they say ooposites attrack! Who knows, all I know is that yesterday I actualy got up the nerve to tell Zack that I liked him (to his face). He actualy felt bad, because he thinks that Jr and I broke up because of him, I kept saying "no no no, it is my fault that I liked you" He told me when I got of the bus to look at the smiley that was on one of the windows and I would see how he felt, well the smiley was frowning with tears comming out of his eyes. I, and everyone else thinks that Zack really does like me, but he is so afraid that if we date and something happened, and we broke up that we wouldnt speak anymore. THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! The devil himself could not make me stop talking to him, I wrote him a letter, and I said you know that most people end up marrying there best friends, and you have to be friends before you can date. GRRRR He dosent need to cherish our friendship so much, I mean sure I am glad that he does, but knowing that makes him think that we cant date because of it. DAMN IT! He just donsent understand that I like him, I love him. I would never stop being his friend no matter what, I just need him to see that before it is to late. He said that if I dated Jermey and he was mean to me to let him know, and he would run him over with his car.. See he cares about me! But anyway Ash B got her a tatoo, I was with her. I think that I was more nervous then she was, but it looked good. LOL. I am so glad that she and I are friends again. *Dances* Apple hunny please stop putting yourself down so much, you are going to find a prom date, and a guy that is perfect for you, you are pretty, and nice, and if someone would take the time to get to know you, they would know that too. Mouser I wish you could go on our senior trip chicka. Tiffy Hey babe, I dont know what to tell you about you know who, but if it was me I would just tell him "Look this is the last time, if you screw it up, NO MORE" Jessica You are crazy, I might get use to your music.LOL. Ash S- You got a job, you look funny though lol. Well I guess that is about all I have to say. WISH ME LUCK EVERYONE! Well TTFN
~Love,Peace, and Happyness~!
~Sandy Mae~!