(no subject)

Jun 13, 2009 08:09

i have got to get out of this funk.
it is taking so much out of me.
i feel so blah everyday.
everything makes me cry.
i cried watching shark week dvds with ravi and stephanie last night.
even pie didn't cheer me up that much.
its just really hard. and i'm trying. i don't know what else to do.
i think some of my classes at sinclair got waived...so hopefully i will be able to pull of being done by the end of fall.
even though its a bullshit degree, its still a degree.
i just need to figure something else out.
something that can get me a job.
so i am not a fan of this digital tv thing.
once i hooked up the converter box, i lost like three channels i had before.
ones i watched. 
now i have five different channel 16's (pbs)
unless they are all showing austin city limits, how many do you need?
my parents are coming down today to help me hang some shelves...three months after i moved in.
only five left till my lease is up.
kind of a relief. i hate leases.
even though i don't know what i'll do once it is up.
guess i don't have to figure that out now. i've got five months.
i think my next door neighbor is stalking me.
every time i take monty outside or on a walk, he will come out and sit in his car.
usually if monty and i take a walk the guy will drive around the neighborhood.
he'll drive behind us slowly for like the first block and then leave. but i usually see him like one or two other times while we're on the walk.
yesterday he was in his car when monty and i left, then he followed us around the first block.
when we were almost back home i saw him driving towards us. he turned at the stop sign...which is the street he lives on.
but he didn't go home. he drove around the block and then came up behind us.
he went up to the next street...driving past his street and turned and by then we had turned onto our street.
we were in front of his building when he drove up behind us again and parked.
he got out and said hi.
creeps me out.
i need to go back to bed.

blue, monty, creepy neighbor

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