As is my usual MO, I'm awake very early when I really need to sleep so that I can be rested to travel today. You see, I've taken the day off of work and am heading to
Knit-fest West (Stickfest i Väst) just off the coast of Gothenburg on an island called
Grötö. I got mostly organized and packed last night, so I just have a few errands to run this morning before I can head out to hang with my knitting friends. But, the bank doesn't even open until 10:00, so why did I have to wake up at 05:45??? I should be tired since I didn't even head to bed until nearly 01:00. Crazy, I tell you!
Part of the reason that I am so excited to go to Knit-fest is that I am taking two wonderful workshops and teaching one, myself. I will be attending workshops in
Swedish Twined Knitting (Tvåändsstickning) and
Bohus Knitting. The first will be taught by
Kerstin Jönsson, author of this book:
and the second by
Solveig Gustafsson, who dyes the yarns for the Bohus Kits, like these:
and this:
I'm feeling a bit awestruck, to say the least. Then, Sunday afternoon, I'll be teaching my own workshop on Magic Loop, knitting a mini-sock from the toe up on one circular needle. My workshop filled up shortly after reservations opened up for the weekend last fall. There was even a waiting list, as one of the ladies that didn't make it into the class initially, just got notification last week that she is able to go after all.
Thanks for all of the well wishes and inquiries regarding my mom. She's doing fine and is planning on traveling to my brother's place in Milwaukee where my daughters and I will be for Easter.
Well, I'm off to start my errands and finish packing. TTFN!