Well, L is still sick. Sleeping on the sofa as I type this. I'm fine, so far (knock on wood). A friend and her daughter from the coast were supposed to stop by for coffee today, but we have postponed it. I don't want to chance them getting what L has. It's miserable!
As far as my list of "Things To Do" goes, I finished the network changes at work yesterday. And, I only broke one laptop in the process. Hehehe! Actually, I had purchased two exactly alike 3-4 years ago and it's mate gave up the ghost 2 weeks ago, doing strange things and refusing to shut off unless you pulled the power cord and removed the battery. This one just decided to do the same thing when I was trying to work on it. Anyway, the replacement is ordered. I also redid the computer that shows the class schedules. It's all connected and rolling along, ready for the return of the students on Monday (they've been on "Winter Sport Break" for a week). Then, when I got home last night, I finished the last 3½ inches on a pair of camouflage
Socks For Soldiers. This morning I watered the plants, threw in a load of wash, put some chili in the crockpot (slow cooker) and ran the dishwasher. Now I need to get in the shower and get to church in about an hour. If all continues to go well with my stomach, I need to get working on the knitting pattern translation and start the dishcloths and potholders this afternoon.
Hope that all of you are having a wonderful weekend!