May 10, 2005 19:50
... and I did not listen! So this is what He did.... He made Microsoft invite me to Seattle for an interview. He knew so well that there was no way I would let this chance go by, regardless of exams, assignments or whatever that had been keeping me busy! If He had, instead, created an opportunity to plan a trip to meet someone dear and near, He knew I'd have made a 'personal sacrifice' and stayed back saying I had my duty towards my MS!!!!
Sleep I did. The whole 6 hours from Phili to Seattle. Refreshed I was.
Excited I was. Finally met the first 'punter couple'. Two of my friends, Aruna and Rahul who tied the knot this April. They both work for Microsoft.
I had been so stressed out the last couple of days, that I did not feel too energetic to say the least. I certainly didnot want to show up for the interview like this. So spent some time in the morning, just staring at the lushness around. Found myself reviving in spirit. Finally, this afternoon I set forth for my INTERVIEW! Had a nice conversation with the cab driver. When I reach there, I meet the recruiter. This is where His game is finally exposed!
I had mentioned to Microsoft, earlier that I had an offer from Goldman Sachs. I did not think very carefully and hence missed the point that offer is NOT acceptance. So when the recruiter got to know that I had 'accepted' the offer, she told me that it was Microsoft's policy not to interview with candidates who had already 'accepted' offers from other companies! I dont quite remember what went through my mind, but I most certainly refused to take it seriously! But it only makes me smile now. She asked if I would mind them verifying with GS that it was ok with them to have MS interview me! I said go ahead. What's the worst that could happen...GS would be so indignant, that they'd cancel my summer internship. Microsoft would find me 'not so good'. ANd I'd pbbly spend the whole of summer twidling my thumbs in Chapin. Now tht's not too bad is it!!!!
The recruiter did leave me in the lounge with a few encouraging phrases like "I sure hope they dont have a problem, coz we are really looking forward to interviewing with you!" So while she was straightening things out with GS, I sat there watchign morbid news of two young girls being slayed and one of the dads being a suspect, and that Silvester Stallone had released his new book Sly! There was also an Xbox station nearby. So I got to learn that Incredibles 2004 was soon to be released! Yipppeee..I know wht to do in summer apart from twidling my thumbs.
She finally came to the lounge, with a smile. Not an encouraging smile. But a sympathetic one. One that attempted to be concilliatory! So I smiled back. I have no clue what she made of my smile. Obviously GS wasn't fine with it. Well in the bargain, I got to hear a lot of "wish this hadnt happened. You were a very strong candidate. Please Please do apply for full time. If your recruiting cordinator comes and campus, most definitely hand in your resume and tell her you have already had a phone interview!..." Yeah, they are words. But what the hell! I allowed myself an ego massage. Doesnt hurt!
Now dawns the realization that I'm super hungry. So Rahul suggests this Udupi Palace. I take a cab to Crossroads Mall. Get off. It was a beautiful day, and it would have been sinful staying indoors. I had committed that sin several times before , couped up at home writing assigments. Today was redemption day! Hope He was finally pleased! So after a sumptuous lunch, some staring outside the glass pane, and mindless walking around, I finally came back to the room.
Will probably go see Seattle downtown in a while when Aruna and Rahul return from work. Will then sit down and study! :)
Sigh..His prayers were answered! I slept, I breathed, I smiled!
Junta, now dont ask me how my interview fared. I'm busy studying! :P