Originally published at
Kay Holt. You can comment here or
- @ AnassaRh Yay! in reply to AnassaRh #
- Today's promised #science tweets focus on the consequences of bad parenting, including setting a lousy example. Remember: Pobody's nerfect! #
- Tank Girl says, "I've got two words for you: Brush yo' teeth!" Like parent, like child http://t.co/wNK12yB #science #sff #
- Butt-out, mom and dad! Smoking habits are transmitted from mother to daughter and father to son http://t.co/0zrr2jg #science #sff #
- Genders of alcohol-dependent parents AND of children influence psychopathology in the children http://t.co/UVhjx93 #science #sff #
- Duck and cover, kids. Children's sense of threat from parental fighting determines trauma symptoms http://t.co/NRUu59d #science #sff #
- Grab me and I'll give you something to grab about. Excessive punishment has lasting psychological impact http://t.co/avxQLnh #science #sff #
- Sad dads spank more, read less http://t.co/zGcxvMg #science #sff #
- Children who lose a parent to suicide more likely to die the same way http://t.co/RGrgOaX #science #sff #
- Tomorrow, I'll tweet on the #science of ANGER. Meanwhile, submit to @ SciInMyFi! http://scienceinmyfiction.com/submissions/ #sff #
- Baz: You talk about girls a lot. Me: Eh? Baz: Like just now, you called the spider boss 'she'. Me: She is. I checked online. Baz: Okay then. #
- Bastian had a sick day today and we spent some time backseat gaming together. I played while he watched and vice versa. Good times. #
- It's becoming harder to resist getting a PS3. We don't need one, the Wii is better because it gets us off the sofa, but… Maybe next year. #
- Today Bastian came up with his first video game idea: A puzzle platformer in which you need to rhyme words to cross bridges. Genius! #
- Thank you! @ BryanThomasS @winnie3k in reply to BryanThomasS #
- @ subversivecynic It looked HUGE here, but the camera couldn't do it justice, alas. in reply to subversivecynic #
- @ ect I didn't want to burst his bubble, but I thought that, too. He requested I illustrate the MC as a chibi from Assassin's Creed tho… in reply to ect #
- @ ect Of course, this is the same kid who asked "Where is the Girl and Her Blob?" Wheels are already turning. in reply to ect #
- @ ect That's Baz!
in reply to ect # - @ djolder That sounds dirtier than it probably is. in reply to djolder #
- @ djolder HAHA! in reply to djolder #
- Today we reached the creepy doppelganger levels of A Boy and His Blob. Yeesh. #
- *half-asleep Baz pats his covers* Me: Whatcha doing? Baz: Just checking. Me: For what? Baz: Something amiss. *Baz sleeps* #
- I love that my preschooler just used the word 'amiss' in context, but I wish I knew where he learned it so I could give someone a high five! #
- @ DelDryden *PRIDE* in reply to DelDryden #
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