Apr 07, 2005 20:17
Okay, so this really really really nasty, crackhead guy in my painting class sees me at the local SUBWAY. At first i try to ignore him, but because i happened to walk past him, i decided to be nice and say hi. Just when me and sam were about to enjoy our meal, that nastey guy comes over. Im wearing my Texas Chainsaw Massacre t-shirt, and he asks me,"why are you wearing that shirt, did someone make you wear it, or was it you idea?" I looked at him in disgust b/c he has really really yellow teeth and he is talking w/ food in his mouth. Anyways, i say,"no i wanted to wear it." then he replies,"DIDN'T YOU THROW UP WHEN YOU SAW THAT MOVIE?" I looked at him again in disgust and said,"NO!" He said he almost did, and looked at me in shock as if i should be grossed out or something. He later went back to his table, and as he did i said," HE MAKES ME WANT TO THROW UP!" Sam was laughing her ass off. I wish i had a pic of this guy so that yall could see him. I dont want to sound mean, but he really does look like a smelly crackhead. He is always so damn weird! He passes gas in class, he stairs my "necklaces" and comments how pretty it is. He is so freaking scary looking. I just wanted yall to know how my day was......it's scary! Has anyone encountered people like that?