Mar 10, 2010 09:23
Hard to explain but yesterday it was warmer than it has been in a while - 50! Sun was out in the morning but it's damp out there with all the melting snow. I cleaned off the deck. YUCK. (The dog will be walked from now until snow flies again because I say again, YUCK) I did all the running around my husband asked me to do. Even picked up a book that my oldest wanted to read while I was at the library. Found out the only reason he wanted to read it was because it's banned/challenged in the schools. He's so funny. But he's enjoying the book so it's all good. I will read it too because it looks interesting and I have to admit that I'm curious because it's a banned/challenged book too. Like mother, like son. =)
Anyhoodle, I got a lot done yesterday but my back hurts from standing outside and my feet hurt from walking the dog in shoes that are apparently, in need of some new insoles. In short, I feel old today.
My girlfriend and I talked on the phone for over an hour yesterday and she yelled at me to stop eating meat and cut out dairy. While I agree I need to lose some weight, let's not get crazy here. I have been feeling really crappy at night lately... almost like I can feel my blood pressure which is weird since normally I have pretty low blood pressure. Time for a change. I know I say this all the time but today I really mean it. Feeling my blood pressure is scary (I can still feel it now) and I have a physical at the end of the month. I'm scared as to what he'll tell me.
I've applied for almost 10 jobs in the last two days so the order of business today is to do some Pilates, look up healthy recipes, write everything I eat in a food journal and beat the pants off my oldest at DDR.