Oct 19, 2011 10:52
Last week I saw The Wizard of Loz on stage at the Palladium Theatre off Regent Street - my seat was supposed to be terrible (e.g. last row of Upper Circle nosebleed section), but when I got there they upgraded my ticket because the Upper Circle was not sold out. I ended up in 2nd row of the Royal Circle looking right over the stage - awesome! Dorothy had an amazing voice and for Toto they used a real Yorkie!
Last night I saw Broken Glass at the theatre right across from the office on the Strand. It was pretty sad - set during the WW II period about a married Jewish couple. The wife is afraid of the husband and hates him after 20 years of a loveless marriage, the backdrop is about all that was going in Germany where the Jews were disappearing and being forced to clean the sidewalk with toothbrushes. Oi vei. The ending was so sad! My seat was also terrible for the performance last night, last row, but they hadn't sold out the theatre again so I ended up in 5th row - awesome.
Work is going okay. Some days I feel really good about knowing everything that's going on and being on top of my game, other days I feel like I can't keep things straight and get enough done. So goes any job I guess. I get distracted a lot more easily here - like for instance posting on LJ at 10:26am haha. Just really briefly I swear!
The flat is going well, Morgan's boyfriend is almost always in our flat on weekends coming in from Brussels Friday night. Quite annoying. But Morgan is nice - other than having to fight her for use of the oven and kitchen with our cooking and baking. In other news it's gotten quite chilly here in the last week or so and we do not yet have any heat on in the flat yet! Also the window in the bathroom and kitchen are both open and I can't figure out how to get them closed. So basically the flat is the Arctic right now. I may need to buy a space heater for at least my room - there is no warm room in the flat to seek refuge in!
We had a new person join the team at work - her name is Hetal. We stole her from one of our recruiting agencies, Purple. She's been with us a week and a half so far, she's going to be handling a lot of our recruiting in the future. It feels weird to have another person in the HR room, I'm still adjusting, so far, eh.
I've been thinking more about how I feel about Damon in the past few weeks. After we had a talk about how I just wanted to be friends, and he went on holiday for 3 weeks and came back, I do sort of feel differently, just a little. I saw a different more genuine side of him when he came back and we hung out, and I liked it more. I can be myself with him and he makes me laugh, so we'll see how that pans out. Also will be interesting to see if James ends up back here in January or if he heads off to China for 3 months there... my vote is for here. I selfishly want him back here to hang out with!
This weekend (Friday-Sunday) I head to Oxford to a B&B to have some R&R and explore the college grounds. :) xo