Oct 10, 2003 08:35
last week my manager said to me
"you got game sandra"
becasue some old guy
(he was OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD... that ones for you, Maria)
asked me out. when he asked how old i was i said "...seventeen."
other than the quirky, NON-asshole elements of my job, there is no reason for me to stay and therefore i must resign.
any job that requires you to wear a hat just isnt worth it.
friday night i took off for a couple minutes with Thomas and Jose to smoke after a delivery i took. convienent that i live 2 minutes walking distance. i thouroughly enjoyed smoking out with my coworkers, all of us in our uniforms, in my front room.
my boss hates me. im glad. i hope he gets it, soon.
maybe he'll be deported back to Palestine and die in at the hands of some angry Israelis. haha. BWHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAA.
only in dreams.