Sep 06, 2009 02:13
Why are there people in the world who thrive on negativity? I made this journal so whenever something got me mad, gave me that feeling where it seems like there's an air bubble in my stomach that refuses to go away or even be ignored, that I could let it all out here, not hurting anybody along the way and keeping negativity safely with my inner...Wolf. There was a time when I found leading or inflammatory remarks irresistable, had to respond and couldn't stop until a resolution was found. It's not good for you. The bad feeling is infectious, the resolution is never worth the fight and, it's not difficult to realize you can fight against the prejudices and injustices that start it all, without the confrontation and petty insults.
It seems there are people who see things the other way around. The subject matter isn't important. What is being discussed or fought over just doesn't matter and yet, the fight will go on, will be dragged out, spread out to as many corners as possible and milked for all it's worth. All it's worth, all attention seeking, drama mongering bickering will ever be worth, is negativity. Attitudes which make people forget there are some things in the world bigger than them.
In the greater scheme of things we get a flash of an existence in this world and we are gone. Whether there's more to it than that or not is, in this life at least, a matter of personal opinion. We do know beyond any doubt though, that we've got a limited run at this and aren't going to want to mess it up. To me the most important thing in the world, in the greater world, greater than everything I go misty eyed and nostalgic over, love, peace, Equality. Equality is the only thing in the world for which I will go utterly loco to protect if only as an ineffective ideal. It's an ideal because it's right and I would stake my life on it's total and unwavering, all consuming importance.
Not everyone will use up their time thinking about that. Some people have more practical minds, who think about other things that matter in life, their lives, their individual, beautiful and stunningly short lives. Why, amongst all that, would the attention spawned from an unpleasant, virtual or real life orb of negative feeling be the Everest to which you thrive?
Negativity is infectious, it seeps into everyone somehow. I aim for the positive always and will still slip up. I did it in my last post...first post in fact. You would never read that and think I have any respect or affection at all for the country in which I live and that's a mistake I make regularly.
I hate war and Britain is at it. It does not follow that I hate Britain. I do not. I love it. Here is the positivity which should never be ignored in favour of self importance. Britain is a beautiful place, with areas dotted around which would take your breath away. The nation is strong, proud and the people, on the whole, are lovely, friendly, brilliant people who, should you ever have reason to discover, will often go out of their way, above and beyond the call of duty to help a stranger in need. I'm proud of some moments this nation has lived through. I'm not patriotic, sadly I find patriotism lends itself to the uglier aspects of Western society, nationalism, leading to jingoism, racism and all forms of deplorable bigotry, leading us to where we are now; at war. One of the things I'm most proud of, is this country's multiculturalism, but again it is sadly one of the biggest issues here too.
When I'm waxing lyrical as I so often am, about politics I don't understand and Governments I don't want to understand, it's easy to forget to make it clear I love this country, as I love many others I've been to, it would be a beautiful world if it wasn't for...well, us, but then we have our good sides too.
I don't like that side effect to a tendency to get up on a verbal soapbox at any given moment, so I try to make up for it. Like now. I cannot understand an outlook where that unpleasantness, that ugly karma destroying...I absolutely will not use the word 'vibe'...Is what makes a person tick. As ever the minority, but Lord Above, a depressing one.