Don't You See The Light Behind Your Blackened Sky?

Oct 23, 2009 04:46

If someone had said, just a few short years ago, that British National Party Leader Nick Griffin, would be an almost cordial guest on the BBCs Question Time, it would have been laughable. Not so long ago the man was an outspoken White Supremacist after all. The BNP are doing better in Britain recently, owing to the economic crisis. History and sociology tell us beyond reasonable refute, that economic depression leads to increased support of radical political movements. The most obvious example is of course, Nazi Germany. Nick Griffin is or at least was, a Holocaust denier, and was once quoted saying "I am a socialist. A National Socialist." If anyone doesn't know, the "National Socialist German Workers Party" or "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei" was shortened to make the term "Nazi".

What many people forget, or like to ignore, is that the Nazi party were a legal, democratically elected party. If Germany had been alone in it's move to the far right, this would have been acted on far before the beginning of World War Two. Fascism was rife in Europe at the time and that very much includes in England. It took the Holocaust to unnerve people, and if that isn't a terrifying projection of human nature in difficult times, I don't know what is. Oswald Mosley led the British Union of Fascists, who fell out of public favour just a few short years before the outbreak of WW2. Nazi Germany has been a convenient Scapegoat for xenophobia which ran rampant throughout the entirety of Europe. Hitler was psychotic. Sane people believed in Oswald Mosley long before Hitler came along.

Nazi views did not end with WW2, nor were they ever confined to nor invented by, any part of Germany. As proven, hideously, by the odious Enoch Powell. British history is nicely sugar coated, but people like Nick Griffin sufficiently highlight the insidious bigoted ignorance still festering.

So he has a new image now, a new, more media acceptable image, as he has realized at a time like this, the BNP actually have a chance at gaining support. If anything he's even worse now. Now he's proven he has a functioning brain. He's also proving himself to be a true politician, in his ability to worm his way into public favour with outright, malicious lies.

It had to be watched, the panel was deliberately politically and ethnically diverse as was the audience. Thankfully both overwhelmingly opposed Nick Griffin and gave little or no credence to his change of image or direction. How could they, when the best answer he could come up with as to why in the past he has said such repulsive crap, was "I can't answer that." Well if you can't Nick, we must assume we sure as hell can't, nor can the public collectively forgive or forget.

Bonnie Greer did herself proud, she is absolutely right. This man knows nothing about racial oppression and yet dares to talk about it as though "indigenous" (he means white) British people suddenly fall under the mantle of oppressed. As a Black American woman she dismisses him before he can get a word out regarding the Ku Klux Klan and quite rightly so. He claims he thinks they are an atrocious organization. He also once said African-Caribbean British residents or citizens should be "Dropped from a plane somewhere over Africa". Somehow I'm not moved to believe him when he says the picture of him standing side by side with a KKK leader actually caught him having an argument.

Putting him aside for the moment, watching the video on youtube (which I'll link to at the end for your enjoyment and horror) I can't help noticing the comments variously follow an odd pattern of right wing concurrence, with this sub-human arse of a politician. That is cowardice at it's most slimy and underhanded, but also goes to show the levels of unspeakably selfish bollocks people are capable of convincing themselves of.

I am yet to hear a satisfactory answer as to what makes Britain the property of white people, nor what is meant by "indigenous", in a country which remained unpopulated throughout the early part of human history. Britain, of all countries, having a people react with offence to mass migration, given their former Empire, would be hilariously ironic was it not such a serious issue.

Immigrants do not come to this country to annoy white people. European, Asian, African people do not uproot their lives, often leave their families and travel to an alien country in which they have no guarantee of finding work and almost absolute assurance they will meet with ingrained racism and jingoism, unless they have a bloody good reason to. A reason slightly more convincing, and requiring more than one living brain cell to construct, than "I was born here, it's OUR country."

Someone in the audience did say, you'd be surprised how many people would have a whip round to get Nick Griffin and his supporters out of OUR country. OUR meaning those of us who live here well aware that we are privileged, in full understanding of our foundations and the integral role multiculturalism played in their building. Who think our open doors are a sign of a freedom for which there is very little else to show. We seem to have no distinguishable political parties left to vote for. What he do have is a diverse population, whose problems are rather more likely to stem from witless worms who value their oxygen thief selves so highly as to decide they have a right to prevent other human beings gaining access to this land, than from immigration itself.

Prove to me you deserve to be here more because chance dictated your mother was here while giving birth to you, than people who fought both to be here and to get by here, and I will give more open views than absolute hatred to the BNP. Until that time, Nick Griffin you indescribable turd, you are fooling no one.

(Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) (Part Four) (Part Five) (Part Six)

What is left of your dream? Just the words on your stone.
Man who learnt how to teach, then forgot how to learn.
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