Love And Revenge - Masterpost

Sep 14, 2017 04:59

Written for Round 1 of the Harlequin Big Bang over at
story_works. Inspired by the following prompt: “Character A is a famous pirate captain. His only goal in life: revenge. He wants to ruin to man who ruined him. One day Character B falls into his hands. He’s the son of the man he’s sworn to ruin. During the next weeks and some difficult situations, B feels more and more desire for A. Will he be able to make A forget his revenge or will B even help him?” Of course, my mind immediately went to our favorite cop / thief duo, though this time, the tables are a bit turned ;) Enjoy!

Warnings: Character Death(s), Graphic depiction of violence, mention of rape (of a female character) and of implied underage rape (of a male character), Period-typical racism, sexism and homophobia

Not betaed at the moment, and still in progress. I will add chapters and fix those already posted as I get them back from my lovely beta


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character: eliot spencer, character: elizabeth burke, character: peter burke, character: neal caffrey, character: diana berrigan, pairing: neal/peter, fandom: white collar, character: alec hardison, character: benny lafitte, character: sam winchester, character: mozzie, challenge: harlequin big bang, character: dean winchester, medium: fanfiction

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