Con Man, Forger, Thief of Hearts - 20+ icons of Neal Caffrey for tvcharacter20

Feb 01, 2017 08:05

Some characters in TV shows are just too irresistible to ignore (and not to icon) - Dean Winchester is one of them, any of Chris Kane's another, and then there's this absolutely charming, drop dead gorgeous, yet a bit dangerous con man that we all know since October 2009: Neal George Caffrey.

Thanks to the screencapping talents of my dear friend kanarek13Read more... )

fandom: white collar, tv: white collar, tv: the normal heart, character: neal caffrey, community: tvcharacter20, medium: icons

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Comments 8

stargatesg1971 February 2 2017, 06:50:58 UTC
Gorgeous work!


sandy79 February 2 2017, 20:35:30 UTC
thank you!


magickira February 2 2017, 08:49:45 UTC
Lovely icons! I loved Extremely Close, Happy, Plus One, and Sexy.


sandy79 February 2 2017, 20:34:39 UTC
thank you! love your icon!


milly_gal February 2 2017, 14:40:20 UTC
Con Man, Forger, Thief of Hearts....Gorgeous bastard ;)


sandy79 February 2 2017, 20:34:06 UTC


chayiana February 2 2017, 17:19:19 UTC
Gorgeous, gorgeous icons! I especially like extremely close, happy, hide, sexy, stars, cat 3 and (of course) all your ac. :D


sandy79 February 2 2017, 19:12:04 UTC
thank you!


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