Meme time! (and some promotion)

Apr 05, 2016 06:11

snagged from the ever awesome elrhiarhodan

Rules: Using only the song titles from one artist, cleverly answer these 11 questions

The artist I’m selecting: Bon Jovi (what else? XD)
What is your gender: Woman In Love
Describe yourself: Complicated
How do you feel: You Really Got Me
If you could go anywhere, where would it be: Santa Fe
Favourite mode of transportation: Homebound Train
Your best friend: Queen Of New Orleans
Favourite time of the day: Saturday Night Gave Me Sunday Morning
If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: It's My Life
What is life to you: Life Is Beautiful
Relationship status: Without Love
Your fear: Fear


Some other news: I've taken over females20in20 as a mod, and we really could use some more participants for the new round. If you could imagine making 20 icons of any female you want (no matter if actress, character, musician), please head over


and sign up! I've already put the themes together for this round (they will be posted in a couple of days), and I'll promise you a lot of fun!

Don't hesitate to ask me any question, and if you want to see what kind of themes we had in the previous rounds (I got in on Round 10), just click the tag ;)

And even if you don't want to participate yourself, please be so kind and spread the word just by sharing the link above! THANK YOU!!

community: females20in20, music: bon jovi, musician: jon bon jovi, meme

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