Meme time!

Mar 14, 2016 00:53

Snagged from elrhiarhodan (and pretty much everyone else XD)

What was the last movie you watched?

Just this evening: "Hansel and Gretel - Witch Hunters". Wasn't the first time I watched it XD I simply love it, especially Jeremy Renner's portrayal of Hansel. And while this movie is way lighter and funnier than some other of his movies, Jeremy puts in the same 100% and more into his acting as in other roles. On a side note: I can't help but see Hansel as the steampunk variation of Dean Winchester - awesome big brother, good with the ladies, knows his way around weapons of all kinds, a quick-thinking mind, a knack to get into crazy situations and a big mouth with just the right amount of cynism. Sounds like somebody else we know ;)

What was the last song you listened to?

Hard to answer, since my local radio station is on in my apartment almost 24/7.

Last TV show you watched?

An episode of "The Flash" (Season 1), followed by a rerun of the pilot of "Almost Human" on Saturday evening.

Last book you read?

The only things I was reading recently were either the newspaper, some fanfiction or the latest part of theory for my job-related training.

Last Thing you ate?

Potato gratin with slices of turkey, onions and feta. Delicious!!

Where would you be if you could be anywhere?

Big goal for me is to see New York for real once. So either that, or re-visiting Paris.

What decade would you visit if you could travel in time?

So many decades to choose, so little time ;) But I would love to pay a visit to any state of the U.S. South pre-Civil War. Just to get the feeling of that time (not that I would like to live in that decade)

The first thing you'd do if you won the lottery?

The realist in me would go and pay off all my debts. And then, if there's some money left, I would go and buy me some things I have my sights set on a long time ago.

Pick a fictional character to hang out with for a day.

Either Neal Caffrey or Clint Barton. Neal could show me around in either New York or Paris, and Clint could teach me how to handle a bow and arrows.

The last fandom joined?

On some levels, you could count in "Almost Human". Did some icons for the show. And I'm really exploring Jeremy, his life and his movies at the moment.

Thanks for reading, and here's a little treat:

celeb: jeremy renner, character: clint barton/hawkeye, city: paris, city: new york, character: neal caffrey, actor: matt bomer, meme

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