The city that never sleeps - 20 New York icons for 20in30

Mar 03, 2016 05:25

Ever since I saw the first episode of "CSI NY", the city itself is one of my all-time favorite places in the world. I've never been there so far (hope to go there in the future), nonetheless, it has an unique effect on me. Come and join me on a short trip through the town, in 20 icons made for Round 1 of hush_your_icon (20in30). Enjoy!

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community: hushyouricon, city: new york, medium: icons

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Comments 9

tarlanx March 3 2016, 07:43:17 UTC
Lovely icons :)


sandy79 March 3 2016, 18:55:54 UTC
thank you!


kanarek13 March 3 2016, 10:04:11 UTC
Beautiful ♥ My beloved city and so many of my beloved places ♥ This makes me nostalgic :D


sandy79 March 3 2016, 18:55:34 UTC
thank you! I had so many wonderful pics, it was so hard to decide which one to use; this city is soo beautiful


gabby227 March 4 2016, 02:50:23 UTC
These are all gorgeous, but I am in love with vibrant. Do you mind if I snag that one?

Great work on these, sweetie! <3


sandy79 March 4 2016, 04:56:20 UTC
thank you! No, of course not, just put my name to it, okay?


gabby227 March 4 2016, 06:28:50 UTC
Yeah, that's no problem. Thanks so much! :)


cookielaura March 4 2016, 03:02:58 UTC
Lovely!! I can't wait until I get the chance to go to NYC!
I especially like "thrice" and of course the WC ones :D


sandy79 March 4 2016, 04:57:56 UTC
thank you!


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