An Assemble of Guys - 20+ icons for gents20in20

Feb 07, 2016 06:33

Round 7 over at gents20in20 was a special round, meaning that we got a list of twenty guys (all from us users) and we had to icon them. Enjoy!


a. rickman
a. turner
b. larkin
c. barton
d. bowie

d. o'brien
f. lachowski
g. grissom
i. somerhalder
j. o'neill.

j. reese
l. pasqualino
m. huisman
p. briggs
r. malek

s. james
t. sorensen
t. kaulitz
t. hoechlin
w. cain


As always, comments are more than appreciated, as well as hints for making them better.
If you take them, please give credit where it's due.

character: clint barton/hawkeye, character: bryce larkin, medium: icons, actor: matt bomer, community: gents20in20, tv: chuck

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