STORY: Under The Egyptian Sun - Masterpost

Nov 18, 2015 23:38

Title: Under The Egyptian Sun
Artist: kanarek13
Author: sandy79
Beta: sherylyn
Word Count: ~44,000
Characters/Pairings: Neal Caffrey/Elizabeth Burke/Peter Burke, Diana Berrigan, Mozzie
Rating: T (some potty mouths around)
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Fusion with "The Mummy". What do you get when you mix an eager Egyptologis/Librarian at the Cairo Museum (with a longing for adventure), her husband (with a slight penchant for attracting bad luck) and a dashing French Foreign Legionnaire (who just happens to be at the right places at the wrong time) with one the greatest legends of Ancient Egypt? An adventure none of them will ever forget.



Oh man, what a ride! I had the first idea of writing such a story back in February, while I was working on my Reverse Big Bang entries. But I never, ever would have expected for it to turn into the monster it became XD

Over the summer, I was really afraid that I would have to drop out, since my computer decided to pull the b**** card on me, and my writing (in general) was somewhat hindered. But finally, in September, this front was cleared and I could focus on the story.


I was soooo happy when I got the email that my dear friend kanarek13 picked it to make some artwork for it - see the abundance of beauty she came up for it here.

Whenever she put a new artwork in our shared folder on Dropbox, my heart soared, and it was by times a great motivator. Thank you, sweetie!!! ***********tacklehugs*********** It was a pleasure to work with you, and more than once, you literally blew me away with your talent!

Last but not least, I would like to say "thank you" to my beta reader sherylyn. Without her, some parts of the story wouldn't sound half as good as they do now. Thank you, Shery, you did an awesome job, and I hope that I haven't caused you too much headache with mixing English and German (at some points) XD


Now, all that's left for me is to hope you, my dear readers, will enjoy the adventure, hopefully as much as I did when writing it. The remaining four chapters will be up in the next few days, so please keep checking the entry on AO3 or subscribe to the story if you like it.

I know that there are some gaps in there, they will be addressed in a sequel I'm working on.

character: elizabeth burke, challenge: wc big bang 2015, fic: under the egyptian sun, character: peter burke, character: neal caffrey, character: mozzie

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