The Friday Five - Travel - To Boldly Go...

Aug 15, 2015 00:52

1) What's the first place you remember travelling?

Going with my school class to Burgenland for a week. We were on the shores of the Neusiedler See, and this was the first time I was so far away from home ever, not to mention the first time my mom and I were seperated after my father's death.

2) What's the funniest thing that's ever happened to you while travelling?

can't think of anything specific right now, but there were definitely funny moments too

3) What's the worst thing that ever happened to you while travelling?

there are actually two incidents (thankfully none of them happened to me in person). The first one happened during a sportsweek with my school class in Carinthia. One of my fellow classmates got drunk and had to be taken to the hospital several towns over for an emergency treatment of alcohol poisoning.

Number two happened when my mom and I went to Paris some years later. We were there at the beginning of August, and it was incredibly hot. While we were in Versailles, we encountered a tourist group from Japan, and only looking at them gave us a heatstroke, since they all were dressed like we do in Winter, some of them even wearing a turtleneck when it had about 30°C and more that day. The group we were with took the tour through the garden, and almost at the end we heard sirens approaching the castle. When we met outside for our bus, one of the Japanese tourists told us that one of their group had collapsed and died, suffering a heart attack.

4) What's the furthest place from home you've ever travelled?

Paris, France. Been there twice already, but I wouldn't say no to going there for yet another round (who knows, maybe I happen to run into a certain con man XD).

5) Where is the next place you hope to travel?

As I said, I would like to revisit Paris. Other than that, maybe New York (or any other part of the US for that matter), and eventually London and Dubai/Abu Dhabi (if only for all the skyscrapers there)

city: paris, friday five

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