The Friday Five - what/if

May 31, 2015 01:25

If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?

A dolphin. Ever since I saw my very first picture of one, I love them. Not just for their playfulness and the sense of unlimited freedom they project. I read a lot about them, and their intelligence on so many levels, their group dynamic and last but not least their way of communication are also part of my interest in these wonderful animals, who are unfortunately a very endangered species by now.

If you could have any career that you wanted, what would it be?

It certainly would be somewhat linked to writing. Either a journalist/reporter, preferably for a magazine or newspaper focusing on Hollywood, or a press relations manager in a company. I have a history with writing that goes back to my elementary school days (long story that wouldn't fit in here).

What color do you think best describes you?

Blue, with green on a close place two. In color symbolism, blue stands for calming, relaxing. And while it can have a cold touch to it, blue also symbolizes an inner desire for distant places, as well as yearing (in general) and clarity. Next to looking into a clear blue sky or a pair of sky blue eyes (like Matt has), receiving a deep blue rose is one of my favorite associations with the color blue.

If you could move anywhere, where would you go?

New York. I fell in love with "the city that never sleeps" way back in my youth, when shows set in New York popped up (like "Friends" or "Without A Trace", "CSI NY" or "Law & Order: Criminal Intent"). With every show, my love for the city grew, but I was totally taken when I saw my first full episode of "White Collar". The city has become an unofficial cast member over the years, and next to watching Neal and Peter's shenanigans, the various shots of the city views is one of the things I enjoy the most on the show.

What would your ideal home be like?

Either a victorian house (like they had on Charmed - I totally wanted that house back then!), or, in tandem with the previous question, an apartment in New York, with a view of the city, preferably featuring my most favorite building in town, the Chrysler Building, prominently (couldn't find a good pic with the Chrysler, so the Empire State Building has to stand in).

city: new york, friday five

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