ART: Still Life (Almost Human, John/Dorian; SFBB2020)

Apr 25, 2020 20:57

My dears, it finally has happened - in my fourth year participating in the Small Fandoms Big Bang, I finally got to snaffle an "Almost Human" story. As some of you know, it's one of my favorite small fandoms, and I was actually burning to do some artwork for it!! Please go and read the story by the wonderful skyblue_reverie, it's absolutely and equally wonderful!

story link:



I made three different versions, my author finally decided on using the blue ones

Divider 01

Divider 02

Divider 03




John & Dorian: Series Addict

City images: Almost Human Fandom Wiki


Title/Credits: Alpha Centauri

Names: Blackbird

That's it, my dears! And now, please head over to the story and leave my wonderful author tons of love!!

This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

pairing: john/dorian, celeb: karl urban, tv: almost human, challenge: smallfandomsbang, character: dorian, medium: fanart, character: john kennex

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