ART: Accidentally On Purpose (Team Free Will BB 2019)

Sep 19, 2019 22:24

My lovelies! Ready for another artpost? XD This here was created for this year's Team Free Will Big Bang, and I managed to snaffle the wonderful story "Accidentally On Purpose (aka The Garden of Dean-den)" by the equally wonderful coconutice22. Sweetie, it was a blast to work with you and create art for your story! *padahugs* Here's hoping we meet again at a bang!

And now - on with the art show!!





all Google Image Search (no copyright infringement intended)


Title: Backhill

Credits: Bariol

Names: BarHoppers

Scene Text: Aladin

That's all! And now please head over to the story and leave my author lots of love!!

This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

character: castiel, character: jody mills, challenge: team free will big bang, pairing: destiel, fandom: supernatural, tv: supernatural, character: sam winchester, character: dean winchester, medium: fanart

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