ART: Happy Endings (Dean & Benny, DWBB 2019)

Feb 24, 2019 02:00

Another day, another art post! This one's here is for "Happy Endings" by the wonderful babybluecas. Little warning here: don't get fooled by the title. While it ends on quite a hopeful note, the road there is anything else than a happy one. Anyway, these artworks were created for the Dean Winchester Big Bang 2019. Enjoy!





Images: homeofthenutty, Supernatural Fans Online, raloria, Google Image Search, own hoard


Title, Credits, Header: Urban Jungle

Text Scene Chapter 1: Bonjour Allgera Sans Bold

Text Scenes Chapters 2-6: Courgette

I hope you like it! And now please head over to the story and leave my author some love!

This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

celeb: jensen ackles, character: castiel, fandom: supernatural, tv: supernatural, character: benny lafitte, character: sam winchester, challenge: dwbigbang, medium: fanart

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