SPN Boys (and Girls), Here We Go Again...

Jan 17, 2019 01:59

Right on time for the return from Winter Hiatus, Entertainment Weekly has published both the covers and images from the shoot for the Jan 25 issue, which will focus on the upcoming 300th episode (and the special guests we will see there). Pics are in HD (and under the cut for spoilerish reasons) ;) (click the thumbs to see full-size)


First Look:

And just the other day, our common favorite SPN Youtube Channel "Shaving People Punting Things" has uploaded a new video, which gives us a rather gritty look on the upcoming episodes. But to be completely honest with you all - Jensen does a terrific job with Michael (and looks abso-fucking-lutely hot in those clothes!)

image Click to view

PS: my dear friend raloria has posted a set of caps from the video here!


pics: EW.com
video: YouTube

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celeb: jensen ackles, celeb: jared padalecki, character: mary winchester, celeb: misha collins, medium: pics, fandom: supernatural, tv: supernatural, medium: video, medium: screencaps, photoshoot, character: sam winchester, character: john winchester, character: dean winchester

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