Title: A Little Too Late
Author: sandx
Rated: PG 13
Pairing: Hoya/Woohun, Sunggyu/Dongwoo, Myungsoo/Sungyeol/Sungjong
Genre: angst
Disclaimer: if i had a Hoya for everything i did, i'd be the happiest gur eva!
Summary: Sometimes......things aren't meant to be, what you live with what you've got.
A/N: okay soo.......i had actually plan for this to be a long one but then idk what happened. Plus, this had been sitting in my INFINITE one shot folder for a quite a while, now. i dont know what to do with it so i'm just going to post it.
Nam Woohyun, wasn’t coming back. Hoya knows, he knows so dam well that Nam Woohyun wasn’t ever going to be coming back any time soon. When the older man had left, had gone off to chase after his dreams of becoming an actor, he had ended all tides with Hoya. The younger scolds himself all the time. He should have knew that that day was going to come. Besides, it was ‘he’ who had pushed and forced such a forbidden love on the older man. He, who had clung onto Woohyun for love. Sometimes, he wonders if somewhere in those three years, that they had spent together, if Woohyun even loved him, at all. But he’s quickly reminded that the other’s absence was answer enough.
Hoya, doesn’t keep track of anything Woohyun does, unlike their group of friends whose always gone to watch his movies in theater. Or wait anxiously for his drama to air every Monday and Tuesdays. He doesn’t buy Nam Woohyun’s albums either when the other debuted as a singer three years into his career, nor does he attend the other’s concerts. Always telling Sunggyu and the rest of their group of friends how he has better things to do than to attend some concert.
Lee Howon, is quite the actor himself, also. He acts as if nothing has happened. As if, the love of his life didn’t just ditch him for something better. ‘He must be happy,’ Hoya thinks. ‘why wouldn’t he? He’s a super star, now.’ and Hoya sits at the coffee shop across the street from Nam Woohyun’s fan café. Where he waits for Sungjong to finish whatever it is he does in that fan café, sipping his cup of coffee with a bitter sweet smile plastered on his face.
Nam Woohyun loathes himself. From the pit of his stomach and all around, he loathes himself. The day he left Hoya up until this day he had wanting nothing more than to go back to the younger. He feels disgusted at himself for leaving the way he did. For not explaining himself and just up and left. But what killed him most was that, of all their years together, he had never once told Hoya he loved him. That, he was glad Hoya had clung onto him and loved him all three years that they were together. Nam Woohyun, isn’t one to show emotions, to display his affections and especially when it comes a certain, Lee Howon. He carries on day after day of hard work and when he has free time he’s staring at a certain contact number on his phone. But pressing the call button was harder then it sounds. Besides, he’s not even sure Lee Howon still even kept the same number, it has, after all, been six years.
Nam Woohyun’s company celebrates his twenty-ninth birthday at some restaurant, and as people he doesn’t know files into the large party room, he slips out the back. They were, after all in the same area Lee Howon’s apartment complex was. So, he secretly looked up Howon’s address, so what? It wasn’t a crime was it? He only wants to see how the other was doing.
Thirty-five minutes of standing in front of Lee Howon’s door, he decides it was now or never, he ‘did’ make it this far, already. Right before he knocks, the door is swung opened. Silence pours in on the two men. Nam Woohyun blinks, and before he knows it he’s wrapped up in Kim Sunggyu’s arms. The older man is ecstatic. He hugs Woohyun and tells him to step into the apartment. The place was so homey, Woohyun didn’t know if he wanted to leave.
Sunggyu was going to go out for some fresh air but decide to stay when Woohyun arrived. He had left to the kitchen for some refreshments and also called the whole gang over. They chat for a good five minutes before the front door is swung open and four bodies filed in. He hears a ‘oh my god!’ and before he knew it he was laying on the couch with an excited Sungjong on top of him. Myungsoo, pulls his lover off the other before giving him a hug. Dongwoo, is still angry at the other for leaving his best friend the way he did. But still, they were once good friends also and so he shakes the other’s hand. Woohyun, thinks he could live with a handshake from the Kenyan. ‘Did he still go by that name?’ Woohyun wonders. Sungyeol, looked as if he was debating if he should accept the other’s visit and put aside his anger or just be angry on Hoya’s behalf, since the other wasn’t there.
But he cant help but to melt at that pitiful smile and the dark bags under the other’s eyes and he pulls Woohyun into a tight hug. They talked and caught up with each other’s lives. He’s learned that Sunggyu and Dongwoo are engaged and the ceremony was going to be held next month. That’s when Sunggyu prances to his bedroom and back with a white envelope and Nam Woogyun’s name on it. They tell him he would have gotten it earlier but they didn’t know where to send it to. Woohyun is happy for the two and had always known how in love Sunggyu had always been with Dongwoo. Dongwoo who had, at first, been in love with Hoya, Nam Woohyun’s Hoya. Just when he didn’t think nothing could top the update of the SungWoo couple’s wedding, Sungjong tells him about his lovers. That’s right, lovers. Lovers Lee Sungyeol and Kim Myungsoo. How that relationship worked out, Woohyun didn’t know. But hey, if they were happy then he was happy for them.
But amongst all the great news and chit chats, there was still someone missing. That someone was the reason why he was even there in the first place. Sunggyu tells him that Hoya was away on business. That, Hoya was now a well known architect and that, that building they all lived in was designed by non other than their Lee Howon. Myungsoo, Sungyeol, and Sungjong lived on the tenth floor. Dongwoo, lived on the eleventh floor, where Sunggyu is to move in with him after their wedding. And there, on the ninth floor was where Hoya lived. ‘So….he’ll be alone after Sunggyu hyung moves out.’ was all Woohyun thought about. Everyone is now calmed, Sungyeol needed a nap to recover since he had just gotten home from work when the news of Woohyun being there came. He, Myungsoo, and Sungjong headed back to their place. Sunggyu grabs a box of his things from his bedroom and heads on up to Dongwoo’s place.
Woohyun, is just now able to look around the apartment, very spacious, very……Hoya. He liked it, no. he loves it. Along the walls were photos of the guys and random snap shots of Hoya.
“he’s lost his baby fat…” he whispered to no one. “oh Hoya…” finger’s glided over said man’s smiling face an down to his fingers which laced with another man’s own set of fingers and there, Nam Woohyun fell apart. He was a little too late.
A/N: KILL ME!!! Why i let that happen to Woohyun, i do not know. But then again, i could just a sappy writer and go and write a happy ending for them so i wouldn't complain about my own unfairness of a story.