Lots and lots of other things to say here. I will catch up on all of them, eventually.
First, though...
miznarrator's family are suddenly coming to visit at the end of the month. Her conservative, homophobic, terrifying family. All of them.
There are lots of reasons to be upset about this impending visit, many of them tied up in Family Drama; Miz N is better qualified to discuss those bits, so though I'm no less filled-with-rage than she is, I feel like it's her story to tell. I just want to add a few selfish things to that already sizable list.
Namely, the fact that I've never met her family before, and that they're all homophobes.
I mean, historically I've always been able to build some kind of rapport with people who, on every logical level, shouldn't like me. I'm really good at that. I'm the friend everyone goes, 'Oh, I hate all gays/liberals/atheists with a fiery passion... but not YOU, you're DIFFERENT,' about. I don't know how I do that, but I have a reasonable amount of confidence in my freaky mutant ability to get along with everyone.
Besides which, Miz N HERSELF doesn't get along with her family all that well, so if even my best attempts fail and they don't like me... that will suck a lot, not going to lie, but ultimately it won't affect the quality of my life. It's certainly not going to make my gf love me any less, if her mum and dad and sister hate my guts.
But... you know. This is her FAMILY. The stakes are automatically very, very high. Even with all these odds in my favour, even with there being few consequences in my day-to-day life or our relationship, EVEN STILL, I am stupid levels of terrified. These are people who automatically don't like me, not just because I'm dating their daughter/sister, but because I'm queer and they think that's icky. I have never had to do the meet-the-family thing in a same-sex relationship before, and certainly not under these 'phobic circumstances.
So, yeah. The phrase is 'hella nervous'. D:
part of the whole original point of this trip was for Miz N to get her sister out of their parents' house for a while (she's my age and still lives at home, which is part of that whole Pandora's Box of Family Drama) and give her a chance to talk to people outside of her very narrow circles, to see that other people leave the nest and live very different lives to the one she's got going. As such, Miz N and I were hoping to enlist the power of the London Cabal to meet up with us sometime between 29th March and 3rd April, sans Miz N's parentals, to a) provide lovely, chatty, living breathing proof for Miz N's sister that she has options that don't involve living at home and being her mother's only friend foreverandever, and b) to help Miz N and I SURVIVE THE WEEK INTACT OMG.
We have a couple of gig options that week which I'm sure some of you would want to attend anyway:
Tuesday, 29 March 2011 PATRICK WOLF + ROWDY SUPERSTAR KOKO £21.25
Thursday, 31 March 2011 JESCA HOOP HOXTON BAR & KITCHEN £11.75
I know Miz N and I reallyreally want to see Patrick Wolf again, so we're going to try to get tix for that at least, and any other suggestions would be more than welcome. If nothing else, a get-together in a pub somewhere, sometime, would be wonderful. Check your diaries, friends? ♥