help, i'm alive

Sep 28, 2010 17:47

Reports of my death have... well. You know the rest.

I’ve fallen completely out of practice with keeping a blog. I never thought I’d see the day, but my prolonged absences speak volumes. Recently, my motivations for keeping myself to myself on the internets have been rooted in the fact that I’m unhappy, and I don’t like writing big long woe-is-me posts. The short version is that miznarrator has moved away to Liverpool to get a Masters in Popular Music Studies, and for reasons I can no longer condone or comprehend, I’ve elected to stay in London. I’m so proud of her for taking steps toward the rest of her life, for making her dreams come true, but I’m also human and thus (a) jealous that I’m not doing anything to advance MY dreams of a better life, and (b) really fucking heartbroken that we’re not living together anymore. We’re both saying it’ll be character-building, that we’ll grow and mature as people if we spend the next 9 months being long-distance and miserable, that this is my opportunity to do some soul-searching and figure out what direction I want to go in life without any girlfriend-shaped distractions, but I’m honestly not sure who we’re trying to convince. All I’m getting done at the moment is moping. I could mope for England at this point.

That wasn’t a particularly short short version, but whatever. This too will pass, yadda yadda.

Personal catastrophes aside, there’s one or two other things going on in my life I’ve been meaning to post about: namely, the fact that I have a kitty. I’ve always thought I was exclusively a dog person - turns out I’m a cat person in extreme denial. Hand me a kitten and I’m all ♥___________♥!!!

Her name is Edith, so named for Edith Piaf (before two of the residents of Flatland had even seen Inception, thankyouverymuch). She alternates between 'adorable fluffy affectionate kitten of my ~heart' and 'CAT DEMON, HERE TO TEAR YR FACE OFF', so she’s never boring. I am annoyed with her right now for leaving an UNSPEAKABLY DISGUSTING mess in the corner of my kitchen, but on the whole she is most excellent. Even if yesterday, we re-enacted this scene from Hyperbole and a Half:

image Click to view

She has sharp parts.

In other news, fandom thoughts! I has them.

I have been reading pretty much all the Inception fic I can get my hands on, and I have no idea why. I’ve seen the movie twice now, and for my sins I enjoyed it; it’s Nolan-y and problematic and big-budget and far less clever than it’s purported to be, but I exited the cinema having had a decent time, you know? This is all I ask from my summer blockbusters.

The thing is... I don’t believe in Arthur/Eames. Not even a little bit. The fic that’s being written for the pairing is AMAZING, ridiculously hot and insanely well-written and heartachey and lovely and there is just SO MUCH OF IT. But nothing I saw in the film made me go to a slashy place with the characters, and I am the motherfucking QUEEN of the slash goggles. Even 'dream a little bigger, darling,' just read as bitchy to me. I honestly don’t see any substantive evidence for the pairing in canon. That the characters people have been writing about bear only a passing resemblance to the ones in the movie clearly hasn’t stopped me from enjoying the fiction (because seriously, I cannot overstate how good the majority of it is), but it’s never going to be my fandom. I just... don’t buy it. I have not drunk the Kool-aid.

I do, however, think Tom Hardy should come over and bake cupcakes with me and give me cuddles to cheer me up. His ridiculous, charming, stupidly pretty face would go a long way toward making me happy right now. Just saying.



I can’t even remember precisely how long it’s been since I saw MCR last. It feels like it’s been FOREVER. I’ve been looking back through my backlogged entries here, and I think it must have been in San Francisco, at the Warfield. lovelypoet and clumsygyrl and I saw them twice in two days, in a venue half the size of the Hammersmith Apollo, and it was so, so, so good. I remember trying to get my sad on during Cancer on the second night, when lovelypoet and I were up in the seats; thinking about how long it would be before I saw the band again, how strange it would be to not have their shows as a constant in my life. And then I saw the rest of the band hiding behind the drum riser, cracking up and pointing flashlights at Mikey, who was smoking with a cigarette up each nostril, and I was like NOPE, SAD MOMENT IS GONE and laughed my head off. In the middle of Gerard singing about death. Whoops.

I teared up when I knew we had the tickets secured. I walked to work on Friday morning with MCR blasting in my headphones, trying not to freak out the passers-by with my really obvious grin. Or start dancing in the street. MY BAND, YOU GUYS. :D

In my head, I have this whole partly-constructed little self-indulgent scenario, thought up in a fit of giddy joy right after I watched the album preview video. In the scene, MCR were meeting to decide when precisely they were going to release the news of their new album, tour, etc., and going back and forth as to when the news should appear. Then Frank speaks up, "Well, what about the weekend Laura’s gf moves away? That’ll cheer her up" and Gerard’s all, "Yeah, hey! It’ll distract her from all the heartache, give her something to look forward to!" and Ray’s like, "Plus, that way she can see us AND her gf at the same time!" and Mikey’s all ":| ok :|" and they’re all agreed, they’re going to come over and play England first juuuuuuuuuuust for me. :D

Sadly, that's probably the only piece of fanfiction I will ever post. Ahahaha just call me Mary Sue. /o\

So yes, you all know where I’ll be on 23-24 October. We’re rolling up to the London gig in a fangirl+omniguy gaggle about 12 deep, wearing domino masks we’re going to decorate ourselves and the brightest, most obnoxiously colourful clothes we can find. Because Gerard said he wanted to see our colours, and by jove, we shall show him them!

Orchestra tonight. For 'orchestra' please read 'orchestra first, pub afterwards'. Tomorrow's going to be rough. :)
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