Leave me an anonymous (or not) comment pouring your heart out. Say anything. Tell me your stories, your secrets, those things no one ever asks but you wish to tell. Tell me about your love, your hate, your indifference, your joy. Tell me about what's inside of you when you're reading through these entries on your friends list, and
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Glad we cleared that up!
I really love my f-list; even if I don't comment (is a major lurker liek whoa!) on all the entries I like hearing about how other peeps are doing. I think it is really nice of people to share their personal lives with everyone out here. Most of my f-list is into fandoms that I ship, so it is also really cool to get a little glimpse of who they are outside of the fics they write, fanarts they draw or comments they make on other works. It is very encouraging to me to see how friendly and supportive people can be; I feel like sometimes online friends are like super fast pen-pals that have a surprising amount of openness and honesty. I feel very fortunate to be part of the online community, especially since nobody I know in real life is into yaoi and cosplaying and other stuff like that.
Now for the spilling of the guts....
*deep breath*
I'm patently terrified that my headache stuff is not going to get better. I've missed a ton of days at work, (nearly a full month) and even though I'm on FMLA (family medical leave act- which is a leave of absence granted by the law if you are certifiably sick) I feel guilty for missing work and I worry that my boss and the head of my department think worse of me or are disappointed and also just the burden it is placing on the other employees as they try to fill in the work that I do. My family is pressing me to just move back home, which is far from ideal- if I resign from work I will have no health insurance, which is a really bad thing right now! On the other hand, I feel like a big leech and dead-weight since I'm missing work so often. And the drugs they have me on? I'm a space-cadet! When I'm not afflicted by the migrane/headache hell they have made it impossible to concentrate for more than ~half an hour, and since my work is dependent on higher brain functioning (I'm a research scientist) this is not a good thing for productivity! This has also affected my output of fanfic writing, which I really care about and is a great creative outlet for me. Bummer!!!! The dizziness and nausea that accompany the headache make me scared to drive- I feel like I'll pass out sometimes- and I've lost ~6 pounds, which when you are already kind of scrawny is NOT a good thing either. I'm really in need of a miracle cure, like yesterday!
/end wooby confession of angst
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