Aug 26, 2004 20:56
its been a looooong time since ive updated. so heres a quick over-view, for those of whom i dont talk to all that often.
christian and i have since moved out of the shitty town of bloomsburg, and are residing in the shitty town of williamsport. the original plan was that i was going to stay here, at the 'rents, and he was going to stay w/ his dad, until his classes started...then, apartment bound.
christian? college? yes. radiography. wish him luck. hes stressed the FUCK OUT.
onto the 'apartment bound' bit. that would have been fine, and dandy, and well under way - buuuut. the parents are divorcing, and my father needs help keeping the place running, since my mother has found herself a "fixer-upper" in the valley. read: "shit-hole that needs 4 months of work", in the valley. so, we are staying here until the fort is stable. which may be a long while.
for those of you who know me personally, you know that my mother and i were pretty tight. since the family has been thrown into shambles - we are pitted against each other. my father, christian and i found her with her boyfriend after a long night of lies and deceit. in my book, thats wrong. duh. so this has become a sided issue. mom & kristen vs. dad & i. its just a real sick situation, enough to make me want to throw up. shes since called me a 'manipulative bitch' and a 'backstabber'. the stone throwing has been relayed back to me by my father. *shrug* ive got no idea what in the mother fuckin hell is going on around here, but shit aint right. i havent spoken to her since last monday. if she does speak to me, its with a huge attitude. and i just say nothing back. she just needs to up-n-out...we dont need that kind of stuff here.
other wise, everything is alright i suppose. ive quit susquehanna home care, and am working private duty for one of my old clients from that agency. its great. CASH under the table. the so-called work is a piece of cake. no so keen on the 9-5 hours, just because for the past 4 years ive worked 2nd shift, but i'll get used to it eventually. makes life a little easier for the time being. i get to see christian more often with this schedule, and thats really what i need right now.
kate ( the step sister) left a few weeks ago. she was here for 2 weeks. i still dislike her with every passionate bone in my body. shes a whiney little slut, who hasnt changed a bit since we were 9. still doesnt have a sense of humor. still cries everytime theres a derogitory comment directed towards her. thank god shes gone, and only comes by once every 5 years.
thats about it for now. cuddles w/ abbey are necessary at this time.