Mar 19, 2008 00:12
Mostly bad news: I had a strict schedule for what I was supposed to be getting done this week, and I've only 90% stuck to it (this means I have not done my civ-mil readings for today, nor have I finished reading L'amélanchier. Ugh. However, I've figured out how to mostly take classes I don't hate despite the fact that the poli sci departments seemed dead-set on fucking me over. And I think I'll even be able to go to Midnight Kitchen for $2 vegan lunch every day second term (as opposed to only one fucking day first term). I guess if I were really dedicated to not spending a thousand stupid dollars on crappy food at McGill, I could go to the People's Potato at Concordia on Mondays and Wednesdays between my two classes, but that seems a little ridiculous.
Monday & Wednesday
12:30-13:30 PHIL 375: Existentialism
15:30-17:00 FRSL 449: Le français des médias
Tuesday & Thursday
11:30-13:00 POLI 333: Western Political Thought I
13:00-14:30 RUSS 400: Advanced Russian 1
Plus an evening class at the Simone de Beauvoir Institute at Concordia University. Choices include: Framing the Prostitute, Transsexual/Transgender Culture, and Postcolonialisms and Feminisms. Way more mm mm good than anything Campbell's ever thought up. Don't worry, I didn't actually think that was a funny joke; I'm just really tired.
No class Fridays, assuming Existentialism has a conference and cancels Friday class.
Monday & Wednesday
11:30-12:30 POLI 330: Law and Courts in Europe
13:30-14:30 FREN 334: Méthodes d'analyse des textes littéraires
14:30-16:00 PHIL 442: Feminist Theories of Embodiment
Tuesday & Thursday
13:00-14:30 RUSS 401: Advanced Russian 2
14:30-16:00 POLI 434: History of Political/Social Theory 4
13:30-14:30 FREN 334: Méthodes d'analyse des textes littéraires
This only works if my French is good enough by second semester next year to understand literary theory in French. But hopefully this summer I'll be able to find/tolerate a job that requires me to speak French, or even better, spend the summer in bed with people who speak French (not likely) and then also I'll have French fall term that is basically the highest level you can take in the French as a Second Language department, so...crossed fingers, I guess. My professor for History of Political/Social Theory wrote a feminist reading of Plato's Republic, so I think it's promising that I'll be able to find something I like for my term paper (and FINALLY I get to read Foucault instead of constantly just hearing him talked about!). For Law and Courts in Europe, I figure it won't be the best class ever, but I can probably write my term paper on the role of France's courts in restricting Muslim women through the hijab debate, which has also been really relevant in Québec. I decided that since I don't really like poli sci, I'm just going to take political theory from now on and write all my papers as feminist critiques/interpretations of the theories.
I am so ready for it to be 25 April at 5 pm when I will be done with my finals for the years. But first: two fifteen-page term papers, one twenty-page term paper, and a group project we haven't started yet, due by the 8 April.