Aug 06, 2006 16:48

I was dragged to church today. (As you may have wondered given my earlier rant)
My sister was being a pest and decided to sing (badly) in Church. This meant that we had to attend, so we could watch her sing for 1 minute. *is not amused*

This made me wonder about something that's bothered me ever sense I've first heard it.
WTF is Christian Rock?
Rock n Roll originated as a term for sex.
The cliché of Rock music is "sex, drugs, and alcohol."

Old Christians for ages referred to Rock as "devil music" and "disgusting".
Now they are making terrible "rock" (if you can call it that because there is nothing rocking about it) to preach.

Does this make sense to any one? Is it some cruel joke?
It's an evil oxymoron, that's all I'm saying.


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