May 28, 2006 12:11

I’ve seen more films of Ioan Gruffud's lately.

I saw the first 6 Horatio Hornblower films, Wilde, Very Annie Mary, and Solomon and Gaenor.

I love him even more now, but I wish I would stop CRYING!

The best part of Very Annie Mary was when Matthew Rhys and Ioan sang “Mary Get Your Gun”. They were just so cute and GAY in that movie. I just loved Ioan especially. 

The film Wilde was great and Ioan was gay again. More importantly he played John Gray, Oscar Wilde’s lover that inspired The Picture of Dorian Gray. (Which I have started reading.) He did a great job in the film. I love how he glares at Jude Law’s character. Then when he falls into that depression after being left behind. That was so sad.

I also saw the first season of Coupling. I LOVE it. I only got to see 2 episodes before I rented this, but I thought it was brilliant even then. It’s like a mix between Sex in the City, Friends, and Monty Python. 
Jack Davenport is very cute in it, and the character Jeff is insane. lol

The end of The Frogs and the Lobsters was so sad! I was barely able to handle the girl that Horatio liked dying in his arms, but when he cried at the end, and I wailed like a baby. His acting was heartbreaking there. I don’t know he’s able to show so many feelings at once.

WHY DID THEY HAVE TO KILL ARCHIE?! I knew it was coming, but why? He was so lovable, and the perfect friend for Horatio. His last words to Horatio put me in tears. It was so beautiful; and heartbreaking, especially if you are a slasher like me.

Also I have now discovered Bush, and you’re all right he’s a pretty cool character. Hope they don’t kill him off as well. The other 2 Hornblower films are coming this week.

Solomon and Gaenor:

Where do I begin. Ioan looks so young and innocent in this. I absolutely loved Solomon. The plot, script, and acting was all great. It was one of the sweetest and saddest films I’ve ever seen.

The scene where he gave her the dress was so cute. Then the first time their characters made love was so perfect. It had the sweet awkwardness of his first time written all over it. Then afterwards when he felt betrayed because it wasn’t her first time as well. It was so realistic.

I couldn’t stop crying after his character died. He keeps making me cry in his films! It was just too sad. He also made me cry in the scene where she confronted him about lying to her. It was so sad, and his acting was perfect. He was also CRYING. I can’t help it, if he cries I cry.

ioan gruffud, horatio hornblower, jack davenport, movies

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