Hi again~
I dropped by Volde*Mart today and invested some more money in the UFO catcher machine, meaning there are two more plushies for you to bid on~~
The first is
Gaara, still looking adorably frowny.
I did eventually find
this doll on Ebay-- the tag is different, but the model is the same. Notice that they're selling this little dude for 24.99 ^^; (rare item found only in Japan? Really? Apparently the Wal-Mart in my smelly little Tennessee town is actually in Japan...) I have raised my price a little, but unless the doll gets up in the morning and makes me coffee and a breakfast burrito I'm not going to jack the price up that high ^^;
The second is
Naruto himself, happy as can be.
Also still for sale is
Neji, who's still just $4.99 because apparently no one wants to buy him ;_;
I know that Kakashi's a popular character, especially with the dolls (I've sold out of him), but he's buried under an avalanche of Shikamarus at the moment in the machine. If you absolutely MUST have a Kakashi and are willing to pay the $10 and shipping for him, I'll see what I can do.
There is also one last Shikamaru for sale, not listed yet. Bother me in the comments if you want him :3
[xposted like whoa]