Only 2 Weeks left before the Suzanna Del Vecchio workshops!
Take advantage of the reduced price for both workshops available until May 3rd! Only $120.00 for both days! Break out of your usual dance habits! Don’t miss out on Saturday’s 4 ½ hour workshop covering combinations that will add sizzle to your routines and Sunday’s fantastic 4 hour workshop of Suzanna’s signature locks, rolls and flutters that will add a saucy precision to your drum solos!
Suzanna’s attention to safe technique, ability to modify movements for all levels of flexibility and strength, allows everyone to benefit and adapt her workshop material for all abilities and styles! Suzanna’s warm and generous interaction, and attentiveness to detail, allows for technique correction and encouragement to make the movements your own!
Stay Saturday Night to watch Suzanna’s stunning performance at the hafla! See the movements and combinations taught during the workshops live onstage! Along with Suzanna’s show stopping performance will be our own wonderful locally talented dancers! Mirjana, Shelley, Alia Saleem, Surayyah, Amala Gameela, Kaliyah, Devra, and Fatima just to name a few!
For those of you coming in from out of town, two close hotels to the workshop location are:
Hampton Inn Doylestown, PA
1570 Easton Road, Warrington, PA 18976
Less than 4 miles from the WREC
Directions Days Inn Horsham
245 Easton Road
Rt 276 (PA Trnpk & Rt 611N)
Horsham, PA 19044
6 Miles from the WREC
Directions Visit
for more information, to order show tickets and to sign up for your space in the workshops!WWW.SANDSHIMMERS.COM