As part of my ongoing evil plan to convert people over to Doctor Who, since I don't actually know many people that watch it, I made someone watch a few episodes with me yesterday. It seemed to go well (even though I haven't actually gotten this person to watch any Who with me for, oh, about ten months). I went with the "Utopia/Sound of Drums/LotTL" arc, and the lovely bit was that I never expect people to like the Master, even though I do - but they ended up laughing at all his awesomely inappropriate jokes, and after his last scene, they said, "He's broken. The drums made him this way. D:" Sympathy for the Master? Heck yes. Mission accomplished.
Probably no point in me sharing that anecdote, but as far as RL goes, I've got nothing interesting to offer, so. :|
Also, have a meme:
- Leave me a comment saying you want to participate.
- I'll respond by asking you five questions.
- Update your journal with the answers to your questions.
My questions are from
- Will you ever app to the Embassy? :P (Or, alternatively/in addition, what setting/gimmick/cast/dynamic/anything would a comm have to have to make you jump up and go I'M APPLYING THERE RIGHT THIS VERY MOMENT?)
Of course! This weekend, hopefully. :D Life has been conspiring against me lately and I haven’t had loads of free time, but it’s been getting better. And I desperately need to do something creative, so yes.
- What are your thoughts on the Doctor's sexuality? Because I keep finding myself discussing the Master's sexuality (or, well, my Master(s)), and this topic seems to come up with Time Lords and fandom over and over (and over and over).
Watch me write a novel for this. ;D (Warning: If you dislike shipping, as I know some of you on my f-list do, you’d best skip over this answer.)
Let’s see. Well, I’ll admit to being a bit biased because I ship the heck out of Doctor/Master. And, oddly enough, I simultaneously have a soft spot for Doctor/Rose. (The difference is that I find Doctor/Rose adorable, while Doctor/Master is the one with a bit more weight, considering that it’s kind of on an epic scale. I mean, we’re talking about a 900+ year relationship here with a very complex, twisted dynamic. It’s the stuff of OTPs. Weird, dark OTPs, but still.)
The difficulty with the Doctor is that no, this wasn’t really a topic discussed or featured in the Classic series. Eight really bridged the gap between the Classic and the New as far as romance, etc. goes. So I can accept the argument that until that point, the Doctor could be called asexual, although I don’t know if I’d personally subscribe to that. (Learning that Tom Baker and Lalla Ward were married kind of threw a wrench in my “Oh no, quirky, absent-minded Four wouldn’t ever think about shagging!” mindset.) And the fact that I’ve been known to enjoy both Doctor/Master and Doctor/Rose means that maybe a label like “omnisexual” would be more apt for him, although he’s really not a Jack Harkness figure in that he isn’t, in general, all that interested in this sort of thing. Well, maybe it would be more accurate to reword that as: he’s more interested in caring about people than the physical aspect of it. But the latter does still happen - at least, in my head!canon.
- Puppies or kittens?
They’re both adorable beyond measure, but since I’ve never really owned a dog, I’ll have to say kittens.
- What costume piece from any show/film would you most like to own?
Ten’s coat, undoubtedly. I love it. Aside from the fact that I love long coats and it’s just awesome, it would certainly help out my Ten cosplay thing. (I’ve never exactly been a cosplayer, but I intend to go all out when I go back to the convention I attended for the first time last year.) The version I have is okay, but not as perfect as the real thing. Alternatively, I’d like Sam Tyler’s jacket. I have a thing for jackets, apparently. And I intend to cosplay Sam, too, so there’s that.
- How did you start RPing on LJ?
I used to RP all the time with a friend of mine, who has since grown out of it, I suppose. And I obviously haven’t, because I still love trying to work out what makes a given character tick, or identifying with characters and wanting to explore them more. So when I discovered the RPing community on LJ a few years ago, I jumped in.