May 14, 2007 12:53
I am in the shittiest mood ever, ever EVER!!!!!!!!! I hate being in a shit mood yet a shit mood I am in. I hate uni exams, I hate studying for them, I hate TOTM. I think it's all pointless shit that's getting to me that on it's own wouldn't be a big deal if that makes sense...I want to finish all my exams and find out i've passed then that would make me happy...having a big grump prob all about nothing lol. ah well i'm going to see Caz on fri we'll watch poto...mmmm 'cape action' and maybe potc2 watched potc already on fri after my exams yay for feel good films.
Getting training at work to be the key holder/supervisor more money wooo. So i'll start getting more hours once my exams are over again woo more money and will stop me sitting about doing fuck all. Apparently one of the girls who works there during the week who I will be left in charge of when I take over from the girl who's about to go off on maternity leave is a right lazy pain in the arse who will basically take the piss...aaaghh the joys...Also might be getting trained to work their delivery good over all but BAD in that the delivery is 5.30am on a Tues morning *cries* still finish at 2.30pm hopefully that wont be for a while...but again i'll think of the money.
erm not going to the caravan ok so I was only gonna get to go mon-fri cos i'd need to work but isn't happening as friend got offered trip to spain...kinda mad but what can you do not worth fighting over....getting kinda sick of being in the house all the time...anyway i'm gonna shut up moaning