Little Hotaru Convinced Me

Dec 24, 2007 19:35

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1) Would you wrestle ribbonfighter in jello? *blushes*No
2) When did you last call shortylikeed? I don't call Mr. Elric.
3) Is tsukau_nin 1337? I don't think he would understand that.
4) Is 3rdbeat_rose introverted or extroverted? Introverted.
5) Does heerowing01 do drugs? No.
6) Would you make out with jonwolfen? *BLUSH*NO!
7) Does tsukau_nin smoke? He doesn't.
8) If shortylikeed took over the world, who would be happy? Many people
9) What flavor of jello would lyms_knight be? I don't know her well enough
10) What animal should duo02shinigami be combined with? A playful cat.
11) Do flame_101 and wildmildchild go to the same school? They do not attend school.
12) What would duo02shinigami do differently in your shoes? There are a lot of things probably... *looks down*
13) What is royalusagimun's favorite game? Kareoke?
14) Does rebornfirefly have a crush on chibicrawfish? I would hope not. Hotaru is five.
15) What is sch_beiker's shoe size? I will have to ask her sometime.
16) What video game does priestmiroku remind you of? I... I'm not answering.
17) shortylikeed's hair color? Blonde
18) How would juuou_zelas kill priestmiroku? She wouldn't, it would waste "food"
19) Is shortylikeed related to you? I hope not.
20) What is jonwolfen's favorite movie? Dances With Wolves?
21) Thoughts on duo02shinigami? He's my brother and closest friend.
22) Which president would starmaker_taiki be likely to idolize? I shall have to ask her.
23) Do you have child_of_luv's screenname? Of course, it's right there.
24) Is trowapilot03 single? I would hope not!
25) What exotic animal would kittykatshampoo like as a pet? She can turn into a cat.
26) How many monkeys could zero_suit fight at once and win against? I'm not sure, quite a few.
27) Where would zoidian_devil most like to visit? The library.
28) What do you disagree with sch_beiker about? Honestly, we don't talk enough.
29) What is missdarklycute's favorite food? I am not sure.
30) Does dark_telepath have a big secret? He probably does.
31) What planet should zoidian_devil be from? Her planet.
32) If sniper_luver took over the world, who would suffer? Anyone she hates.
33) How tall is jonwolfen? Quite tall.
34) Is white_testament friends with shortylikeed? No.
35) What languages does dark_telepath speak? English, German.
36) Does taijiya_hime have a dog? Physically, no. Mentally, yes.
37) Would greenpearlvoice and zoidian_devil look good together? Ummm... No.
38) What rank would heerowing01 have in a giant robot army? Heero would be the leader.
39) Where did you first meet guardian_pluto? A library.
40) Does preventerwind06 drink? Sometimes.
41) Where was guardian_pluto born? I'm not sure.
42) If doc_uzuki had a superpower, what would it be? He already has abilities.
43) What song/movie would you recommend to td_mgmt?
44) Has gene_o_s dyed their hair? I don't believe.
45) One thing you can't stand about dark_telepath? Him in general.
46) Has b0mb4y_n3k0 been to your house/dorm? We used to live together.
47) Is b0mb4y_n3k0 related to gaignun_jr? No.
48) Is heerowing01 an emo? No.
49) What mental disorder does noble_thirteen remind you of? He doesn't.
50) If zero_suit and gold_wind were spliced together, what would it be like? Interesting.
51) Is priestmiroku dead sexy? I have never met him.
52) What would lyms_knight give gene_o_s for his/her birthday? A gun?
53) Would 3rdbeat_rose be a better ninja or pirate? Pirate.
54) Do you have a crush on taijiya_hime? No.
55) What word best describes taijiya_hime? Quiet
56) What color should ranfujimiya_aya dye their hair? I don't believe he would.
57) Is zero_suit a college student? She isn;t.
58) Would you set up flame_101 and missdarklycute? Mr. Mustang is married!
59) Have you flirted with zero_suit? I would hope not.
60) How would doc_uzuki conquer the world? Carefully.
61) Is pechesagittaire a nerd? I don't believe so.
62) Does rebornfirefly go to your school? When she is old enough, she will be a student.
63) If royalusagimun commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Her Guardians.
64) Where was child_of_luv born? Which time?
65) How long would ribbonfighter dating shortylikeed last? Not long.
66) Have you ever dated starmaker_taiki? NO!
67) What is kittykatshampoo's biggest flaw? I haven't really spoken with her.
68) Is 3rdbeat_rose in a relationship? No.
69) Would juuou_zelas and b0mb4y_n3k0 make a good couple? No.
70) Are lyms_knight and taijiya_hime married? No
71) Which of your friends should chaos_n_havoc go out with? No one, he is an evil man.
72) What is white_testament allergic to? Nothing that I know of.
73) Are rebornfirefly and gaignun_jr going out? ....
74) One quality you find attractive in shortylikeed? He's.... Confident?
75) Is doc_uzuki a high school student? No
76) What is sch_beiker's favorite color? Black.
77) Did preventerwind06 break up with you? No, Zechs is in love with Noin.
78) If wildmildchild were hanging off a cliff, what would relena_dorlan do? She would save him.
79) What comic book character would tsukau_nin be? A ninja.
80) If shortylikeed and noble_thirteen were spliced together, what would be its name? I refuse to answer.
81) What would you do if himelessdragon died? I would be upset, but not terribly. I have yet to meet her.
82) What is magisternegi's favorite band/artist? Something classical?
83) Is mame_juu athletic? I believe she is.
84) Is pechesagittaire popular? She is.
85) Are trowapilot03 and pechesagittaire going steady? *huffs*I certianly hope not!
86) Would you ever date b0mb4y_n3k0? No.
87) Could you see lyms_knight and dark_telepath together? Never.
88) How long have you known white_testament? Since he arrived.
89) relena_dorlan's eye color? Blue
90) Would relena_dorlan go out with murasaki_mahou? No, Miss Relena loves Heero.
91) Is kittykatshampoo your best friend? No
92) Does dark_telepath travel a lot? If you call it that.
93) What animal does trowapilot03 remind you of? A wolf.
94) Does b0mb4y_n3k0 know magisternegi? I believe.
95) If gracefulsea and sch_beiker were siamese twins where would they be joined? Not sure
96) What would wildmildchild think of chibicrawfish? He's frightening.
97) If flame_101 was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Mr. Elric.
98) Do you think zero_suit is hot? She is attractive, but not my type.
99) What do you agree with wildmildchild about? I am not sure.
100) What would you do if you found out rebornfirefly has a crush on you? I don't think she would be attracted to me. I am married.
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