Англичанка Изабелла Бёрд - одна из пионеров женской "трэвэл-фотографии", потратившая больше 9 лет (в общей сложности), чтобы проехаться по обеим Америкам, Австралии, Новой Зеландии, Ближнему Востоку, Китаю, Корее и Малайзии. Умерла она в возрасте 73 лет... во время подготовки к очередному визиту в Китай. Все ее путешествия нашли отражение в книгах, которые она издавала в промежутках между своими странствиями, а ее фотоархивы сегодня хранятся в
Архиве Джона Мюррея Национальной библиотеки Шотландии.
Photo: Isabella Bird/Chinese Pictures/Earnshaw Books.
Photo: Isabella Bird/Chinese Pictures/Earnshaw Books. Source:
The Independent Municipal temple, Shanghai, 1895. Although not confirmed, the Eurpoean man on the fence is most likely Isabella’s consular guide, Mr Fox, who became consul-general of Peking. Photo: Isabella Bird/Chinese Pictures/Earnshaw Books. Source:
The Guardian Chungking soldiers, customs guard, 1896. Photo: Isabella Bird/Chinese Pictures/Earnshaw Books. . Source:
The Guardian A Heshui family, Ku-erh-Kio, 1896. Photo: Isabella Bird/Chinese Pictures/Earnshaw Books. . Source:
The Guardian Chinese officer and spearmen, Mia-ko, 1896. Photo: Isabella Bird/Chinese Pictures/Earnshaw Books. . Source:
The Guardian A baby tower, Foochow. Photo: Isabella Bird/Chinese Pictures/Earnshaw Books. . Source:
The Guardian Photo: Isabella Bird/Chinese Pictures/Earnshaw Books. Source:
The Daily Mail Photo: Isabella Bird/Chinese Pictures/Earnshaw Books. Source:
The Daily Mail Photo: Isabella Bird/Chinese Pictures/Earnshaw Books. Source:
The Daily Mail Photo: Isabella Bird/Chinese Pictures/Earnshaw Books. Source:
The Daily Mail Photo: Isabella Bird/Chinese Pictures/Earnshaw Books. Source:
The Daily Mail Yangtze river and beyond. Source:
The Photography of China Yangtze river and beyond. Source:
The Photography of China Yangtze river and beyond. Source:
The Photography of China Yangtze river and beyond. Source:
The Photography of China Yangtze river and beyond. Source:
The Photography of China Yangtze river and beyond. Source:
The Photography of China Yangtze river and beyond. Source:
The Photography of China A Bridge at Wan Hsien of the Single Arch Type. Source: China underground
The West Gate of Hangchow. Source: China underground
The Private Entrance to the Imperial Palace, Peking. . Source: China underground
A Manchurian Family Travelling. Source: China underground
A Boat on the Min River, Used for Running the Rapids. Source: China underground