Jul 11, 2009 20:38
Life is pretty good right now.
The church is good. The people are sweet. I'm getting more used to writing a sermon every single week. I'm still working on an ideal schedule. I do too much writing on Saturday nights.
Being a wife is fun. I'm learning all kinds of neat housekeeping things. I discovered I can roast a mean chicken and I really enjoyed it. Can roasting chickens be a hobby? Not cooking, just roasting chickens. If we can find a good deal on a turkey I'm going to try a turkey. If it comes out well, I may start doing our own sandwich meat.
The dogs are doing well. Patches is turning out to be a great inside dog. He and Cocoa are getting along better every day. And he's entertaining. Rather than sleeping curled up like a normal dog, he sleeps sprawled out on his back. And tonight I got to watch him chase his tail while he was laying on his back. It was hilarious.
I have officially started Christmas shopping. Be impressed. I'm hoping to be done by Halloween.
Yup, that's pretty much my life right now. You are updated.