May 18, 2006 09:11
I didn't wait long before giving up and bringing David to Gary to deal with last night. I lay in bed for 10 minutes, unable to sleep because of all of the wailing, before he finally went back to sleep. I second guessed the decision to let Gary settle him, but knew it was for the best, because I could NOT get him to sleep, so would have been bringing him in sooner or later... and after that night, sooner was better for all involved parties. So, if I understand correctly, I slept from approximately 1:15 to 2:30 when David woke me, then 4:45 to 5:00 when Raffi woke me & David, and then 5:45 until 8:15 when I got up for a moment, realized that Raffi and David were alone in the kids' room, and then lay in bed not sure whether or not I should go to sleep... until David woke up and I had to go rescue him. All in all, not enough. Not even a good solid nap!
Of course, now that I've gone and ordered her a new bed, Eva went and had a huge accident on my bed last night. Which reminds me -- even though she's almost completely night dry (less than one accident a week), the twin beds still need mattress protectors. A hundred percent will come, but in the meantime, it's a new mattress and I'd like to keep them decent.
Today I have to get dressed, clean out the car, go to the mechanic, find out why it's making those Funny Noises, find out what's wrong with the windshield wipers, stop at the dollar store to get Winnie the Pooh underwear to make into "frankenpanties" (homemade training pants for David), then come home and call my stupid (errr, that really was a typo, but it's appropriate) I mean student loan people to figure out what to do next. Then I have some cleaning to do before the delivery arrives tomorrow. I was v ery excited about it all until I was checking out and saw how SMALL the boxes were.... i.e. how much work there will be to assemble everything. I anticipate a Busy Weekend. Saturday is Eva's sewing class, Sunday is Raffi's birthday, and somewhere in there, we need to build one and a half bedrooms, plus storage containers for the playroom and a bookshelf for someplace.
My allergies are always worse when I'm overtired. I'm sitting here with a headache, sinus pain and post nasal drip, watching David clomp around the room playing, and wishing I was dead... I mean asleep. I brought my glasses to the optometrist and they ordered me new lenses, so hopefully these awful headaches should GO AWAY. Raffi has an appointment for a checkup on Friday morning. Let's hope he doesn't need glasses, too. I doubt he will yet, though. Last year, he didn't seem to have any problems. Wouldn't it be odd to have a child with normal vision?
I need a cup of coffee to wake up. A big cup. A large frappucino with an extra shot of espresso kind of big. I was just sitting here thinking I'm too tired to drive to the mechanic, so I'd just call a cab, and it took me several minutes to realize why that wouldn't be so helpful... Though if the mechanic is gonna take all freaking day, I might call a cab to take me HOME! And later today, tonight or tomorrow I need to work in a trip to Target (mattress protectors) and T-mobile (talk about my phone problems) and maybe even Verizon (talk about my phone problems).
Of course, I'd have to be awake enough to drive to the starbucks, so that's not gonna happen. I had some coffee concentrate, but Gary must be tired too, since he just finished it without remembering to ask first. Oops. No big deal.
If anyone needs coffee kit kat bars, the local dollar store has a bunch for 2 for a dollar. I can mail them to you priority or overnight -- probably cheaper than ebay! No milkshake or other funky flavors, though.