Welcome! I'm the author of
Diana Comet and Other Improbable Stories, which won a Lambda Literary Award, was a Booklist Editor's Choice for Teen Readers, and is an American Library Association "Over the Rainbow" book. I also write the award-winning Fisher Key adventure books for GLBTQ teens (Mystery of the Tempest, The Secret of Othello, and The Missing Juliet), the Outback Stars military sf series, and many other books and stories.
My short stories include cowboy sexbots, transgender ghosts, fairy firefighters and lots more. My fiction has appeared in Asimov's, Fantasy and Science Fiction, Strange Horizons, Clarkesworld, Lightspeed, Daily Science Fiction, Realms of Fantasy, Rosebud, Chizine, and dozens of other magazines and anthologies. Four of my stories have been on the short list or honor list of the James A. Tiptree Award for gender issues.
On my wall is a master's degree is in Creative Writing, and among other things I teach college and travel to England whenever I can. All the rest of the dirt is at
Sandra McDonald.com.