15 Words Meme

Apr 14, 2011 21:43

It's been too long since I posted here, so have a meme:

The OTP meme!

- Pick up to 15 OTPs.
- Describe them in 15 words or less.
- Have your flist guess the OTP!

1. Gosh, your lips are delicous!

2. The trainwreck that wasn't there...

3. There will be beautiful spy babies in the future

4. The one that is and the one that will be

5. Darling, let's go on an adventure...

6. Because the dragon says so...

7. Make a Northwest Passage to the sea

8. The wind could howl round our ears for the next thousand years

9. Two souls healing together

10. Getting it right at the second proposal

11. Maybe because he loves her too much

12. Blue-eyed boy meets brown-eyed girl

13. Take me to Glasgow!

14. Waiting for the right kind of pilot to come.

15. Painting walls shouldn't be this hot.

To make this a little more interesting:

Whoever first guesses 10 right, will get a piece of fanart of choice. I have the next three weeks off and need something to do (besides learning). No peeking!

And you can ask me leading questions ;)

meme. random

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