Jan 19, 2008 12:43

Spoilers all around, so beware!

So many things I loved.

That first scene was so cute and heartbreaking. With the golf and the "women like it when you are late". Oh, John. No wonder your marriage failed if you prefer your buddies over your wife.
And then Rodney takes out the ring and John's little heart breaks. And he tries to be supportive but you see it all on his face when Rodney leaves.
Now, I want fic with the drowning your sorrows beer afterwards (and the realisation that the whole Katie Brown thing was one last attempt at denying his feelings for John so that John is finally relieved of his eternal pining. Not that i don't love the pining. *g*

John and Teyla, I love those two together. As friends, you know. Because they are just BFFs. The "it always happens in the movies" and the look of horror when the baby kicks. And the the touching. Awww! Now I want a Rodney-Teyla moment. Damn.
And Teyla looked beautiful, but then she always does.

The password! You know it's true love if you give someone your password. And the password itself is pure gold. 42! Oh, John you geek.

Batman! I loved the climbing sequence. It reminded me of Mission Impossible, only that John is ten times hotter than Tom Cruise, the creep king.

Crashing the window in the control room and the grand entrance. Good thing that his soldiers already know that their CO is crazy.

Ronon/Keller! Aww! They are cute. And you know that he only lets himself be hurt during sparring to go the infirmary. Noone could ever harm him if he didn't want it.
And he knows Jaws! Team-movie-night!

Radek! And his pigeons! And his adventure in the vents and the swearing! Just adorable.

And finally, Katie/Rodney. Yes, they finally noticed that they just wouldn't fit. It was obviously for everyone else since Duet, but well... Poor Rodney, now he needs John to make it better.

Next week: Space princesses, John being Kirk to make Rodney jealous, brats, Genii and the John/Rodney-show in all its glory!

(and I used way too many exclamation marks here.

The whole Santiago-Buddy thing is growing more and more on me (not that way, ewww.) I loved that Santiago went back to get the watch and Buddy did care more about the fact that he was hurt.

Matt/Carlotta. Damn, I loved those two. If they sent her away to start the whole Matt/Julie thing again I'm gonna scream.

Oh, Tim. Get over her. You are way more interesting if you are not chasing after stupid girls.

Lyla. Every time she's on the screen and starts talking in her holier-than-you voice I want to fast-forward. I can't believe I even liked her a bit in the beginning.
The whole church-god-praying-thing that's all over the show is the thing is the one thing I hate. I get it that it's probably real in this part of America, but i come from Bavaria, where the ruling party has "christ" in the name and it's not that bad. I think I would go crazy in Texas.

Smash. I love that character. He's so over the top sometimes and then so deep. He definitly doesn't get enough screen time. And the whole relationship came from nowhere. I would like a little development, please.

The daycare. Sometimes I'm a little bit annoyed with the Taylor and their super-couple-ness, but I liked it in this episode. Esp. in the end when Tami said, that Gracy didn't even turn her head around. Laughed out loud then.

BUT: Where the hell are Landry and Tyra? (except for the two Landry seconds with Matt) Two episodes without them. I really hope there is still one episode coming featuring them. They are one of my het-OTPs, and believe me there are not a lot of these.

Torchwood, Oh, how have I missed you.

Blowfishs, and angry kissing + fighting, and craziness all around.

How much did I love the office scene. I think I rewatched that at least a dozend times. Or more *g*.
If they keep using Ianto that much in the next episodes I'll be very happy. The stopwatch and the confused looks and the eyerolls and the considering of the orgy and the gunporn and the eyecandy... Keep it coming.

Oh, Gwen. What am I gonna do with you? Let it go. You have a great guy at home who didn't dump you even when you were a crappy girlfriend. And yet, you believe you are in this great tragic love affair with Jack. I personally don't think that she really loves him, she just sees herself as this big heroine that belongs to the hero. Hey, I never said I'm a fan of that character. She has some good sides, but all in all, the less Gwen the better.

And the coming soon trailer:
I don't know how the interprete the first look that Ianto gives there. Some say, sad, I personally think it looks a little bit evil or possessed.

The Kiss and the hands on the face. it's such a mirror to the end of days kiss. I really hope that this airs soon.

And I'm so looking forward to the distressed Ianto in the rain. It's sick, but I live it when my favorite characters get hurt. All the more h/c fic afterwards.

tw, fnl, sga

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