Jan 16, 2004 17:49
well i have survived my first scary real job experience. as i noted in my last entry i was left alone to do all sorts of work on this damn ghetto client. well actually being alone made me really learn what was going on. and i know every accounting student that reads this is going to want to murder me for saying this, but i think the 'short' audit case really did somewhat teach me where to start doing testing. it was cool to be in charge...it's so funny cause we don't tell the client that i'm just an intern unless they directly ask, so i'll be going up to people and needing to ask them about control issues and they'll get all nervous and uncomfortable cause i'm an 'auditor.' if only they knew i don't even have a college degree. anyway, i got through it all, learned what i was doing, and felt like a good employee. my manager commented today on how quickly i picked stuff up so i guess that's good too.
here's an interesting point. when i am away, i am allocated a 'per diem' amount for every full day and night that i spend away from the office...so basically i make an EXTRA $38 per day on top of my pay and overtime. and i spend maybe $15-25 per day. this is good. although i think a substantial portion of that $38 will go toward booze when i'm in san diego. woop woop!!
the hotel i'm going to next week is on sunset blvd in west hollywood. this excites me. i feel that even though i will be spending 12 hour days doing work i will somehow pull through, get zero sleep, and find time to shop :) you know how i do.