Jun 25, 2015 02:08
Back in May I had a uterine biopsy (read CORE SAMPLE! Oowowowowowow). They were hesitant to let me leave for a month to do the faire, but it wasn't toooo abnormal, so I went. Today I had an ultrasound. Fibriod, ovarian cyst and little dark spots of lining cells in deeper tissue where they shouldn't be. Surgery is on Friday. Yes, this Friday. The doctor is going to do laproscopic button holes with the possibility of a full incision to remove the uterus. Normally, they would cut it into pieces and pull it out thru the little holes, but she said she would NOT cut it at all as she didn't want any of the 'dark spots' escaping. So if it cannot be removed thru a natural opening a full incision will be made. Then the whole pile will be sent to the lab. If all goes well I will be released Saturday afternoon.
Happy thoughts, well wishes and prayers are appreciated. Financial aid is also greatly welcome. Paypal is ernphoenix@aol.com (ERN not EM) or drop me a note for a mailing address.