
Mar 27, 2005 20:28

I'm sick, instead of my throat hurting, my nose is stuffed up-except for when it starts to get runny-and my head feels clogged and all I wanna do all day is sleep...grrr...I HATE being sick! And, I am IMing Josh and he won't fucking answer me! Bitch!

I did have fun earlier today with Hilary, Rena ("Do you masturbate?" "No." "LIAR!") and Hilary's dad. We went to Royal Oak and sat in Barnes and Nobels and read descriptive books on pubic hairs, breasts, and masturbation. Then we got dizzy by the odd wallpaper in the bathroom. We also walked into a pub, looked at the menu, ordered water, then left because we didnt like the menu-or the waitress. After a quick lunch at Leo's we headed back for the bookstore and read more books, this time teen self help books. Oh, and we passed a store called "Fu7k".

Now I am back at my Grandparent's with nothing to do but go to sleep, and it is only like 8:30pm.
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