[The voice is just above a whisper, raspy and familiar to some. The tone is unimpressed. Could be entirely possible he was put up to using ShipNet at all. That’s right-he doesn’t like your comms, Redd.]
I’m looking for information. ‘Bout this ship, the crew, yourselves.
…Name’s Torn.
[And he’s very wary aboot this whole social network thing.
Read more... )
Well, why not find out about the man straight from his own mouth?]
Phoenix. Captain of the Phantom Blade and formerly from Aeropa. This ship and its crew are bound on a voyage whose purpose no one seems to deem fit to share, but if you're looking for the man to blame for your presence here, his name is Captain Redd.
Why does that sound familiar?
[It may be nothing, but he slipped that in regardless. He's still under the impression that everyone is from his world, even if he's already heard otherwise. Hard conviction to shake.
Lucky for him, he has heard of Aeropa. You should jog his memory, Feenie~]
Phoenix. How long have you been here?
[He knows that feeling intimately. He's still adjusting to the fact that most people here are not from his world, even if they say things that make it sound like they are. In this case, though, he knows that Torn is almost certainly from Haven, and so he feels no need to elaborate on what "the Brink" is. Torn should know well enough.]
As for myself, I have been here for roughly two weeks. Far too long, if you ask me.
[Yuppers, that's where he remembers that name from. Fuckall, that's retarded. No way.
...Ashelin's look is saying 'Way.' Oh damn it all to--]
Never heard anythin' substantial about that place really existing.
You're sayin' it does.
This boat is full of surprises.
[If he thinks that's surprising, he's in for a long haul, huh, Feenie?]
Oh, it exists, I assure you. I've sailed the skies there for more than half my life.
So. Does this "exchange of information" go both ways?
[Because he really wants to learn more about you, Torn.]
To a point.
Then tell me a little about yourself, if you would? Who are you and what sort of things do you do?
'm from Haven. Used to work with Ashelin; you two seem t'know each other.
'm deeply religious.
[See, it's a lie because he's only moderately religious.]
Yes, she mentioned something about you being her contact in a resistance. What sort of resistance, may I ask?
As for religion...
[He shrugs.]
There's evidence enough at the Brink to make a believer of any man, but I'm not inclined to follow the idea that they still control our destiny.
How much do you know about the goings on in Haven?
[He's wagering not much, but two weeks is enough time to find out something.]
Hmm. Very little, to be honest. I know that Baron Praxis was not well-liked and that he had his hand in certain unethical experiments. I'm told that the city nearly fell while under his command. I'm a little vague on all the details, however.
[Haven politics hardly mattered in Aeropa.]
Those who didn't like the Baron--
[He mockingly exaggerates the name to the point it's almost childish.]
--formed a resistance. One I'm apart of.
Unfortunately, he highly doubted he would get answers to these questions from Torn.]
If you don't mind my asking, what exactly has he done that prompted you to resist him?
[He had rebelled against Skyheed because of the Dark Warrior program, and now he knew that Baron Praxis was also involved in that. Was Torn's story the same as his, then? Or was it something else?]
I don't like his face.
His mouth quirks into a wry smirk.]
Appearances do matter a great deal.
[Yes, of all the reasons Torn listed off, he chose that one to comment on. He doesn't feel like siding with the man at the moment, so he's just going to be very mildly facetious.]
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