Last attack was on reported on frequency
rdmcatpaw located by Deck 11 elevators.
Enemy is vulnerable to fire.
Robots are harder for her to attack.
((ooc: starting now and continuing until I get sick of it, all of Torn's icons will involve Ashelin in some way. Hey, it's not like you guys can see them anywho.))
Akagi was able to set a fire trap with some sort of liquid when those pirates attacked. It was foul smelling, and there was plenty of it on deck 8.
[ooc: Comment log in the morning? Also lol, I forgot where Torn's room is XD]
[A few minutes later, he shows up with the few bits of platemail he has, an empty bag over his shoulders, and a strange metal monstrosity that resembles a shield. He's a little relieved, but he might have guessed it was Torn. He seems to be in the habit of taking charge when there's a crisis, not that Jared had any complaints. He nods to Torn in greeting.]
Let's go.
[A pair might just slip past her. She's yet to attack someone with a friend.]
He hurries into the store that Akagi raided during the pirate attack, and starts looking for the containers of fire water. The bottles are rather distinct, so he finds them quickly and starts filling the bag with them.
But wait: Akagi also had those little things that created a small flame. Did they have anything like that to set off a fire trap?]
You need fire to make this work. Do you know of anything that can make fire quickly?
He holds one up and nods, then motions to take the bag.]
Is there anything else I can do?
[And he's already looking for more shit to steal. Gotta be able to arm the troops.]
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