First batch of Animecon pictures!

Jul 20, 2009 23:42

Finally I got Nooras pictures from Animecon, now I'll just have to wait for Krisse to get hers transfered to her computer! : ) Her camera is better than Noora's so I'm WAITING! : D Already these pictures were so good that, GAWD with.. oh yeah. Impatently waiting. :D

Well well, as I mentioned I pulled a VERY spontanous Queen of Hearts cosplay that was basically pulled together in totally 5 hours. 3 hours at home in the middle of the night between Thursday and Friday and then about 2 hours in our hostel room Friday evening with the stuff I had Sofia shop for me while I was at work during the day. So yes. With that little time I am so proud of how it turned out! : D And quite many people took pics of me!

Well, after the con we went to the random throne standing between Lasipalatsi and Forum, right next to Mannerheimintie and had a little photoshoot, and here comes the first batch of pictures! : D

So, Me as Queen of Hearts,
Sofia as the Mad Hatter
and Noora as White Rabbit.

Most of the pictures are taken by Chibi, but some of them by Noora. :)

"Magical cup? In what way?"



"Why is it always me?"

Queen of Fucking Everything


"No seriously, not AGAIN?"

"Feel like celebrating your unbirthday with me?"

Royal Teaparties.

I hope you'll be happy to hear that ZAC EFRON is casted as Alice!

And this is a picture with some almost random Alice from Animecon! : )

While we were photoshooting, a SHITLOAD of tourists took pictures of us. : D We were like the main tourist attraction in the center of Helsinki for 20 minutes. SO many people came asking us what was going on, wanted to take pictures with us. And then of course the kids who wanted to know if Sofia's contact lens hurt. : D

queen of hearts, alice in wonderland, animecon, cosplay

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